I have news for Wallace. Remember that pineapple that would not grow, so we bought another and threw the stub in a can of water? I kind of forgot about it until this morning when I noticed it was far greener than the other. Reaching over to pull it out of the can, you can see it is healthy and growing fine in the water alone. No soil whatsoever. Just think, we’ve succeeded where the space program has lost billions.
But that Clapton junk, it is no wonder I never liked it from day one. I keep waiting for the music part to pick up. The lyrics bite, like he was desperately trying to pretend to sound bluesy or meaningful. I can see how it would instantly appeal to dope-smokers. I blame slow music weeks when stuff like “Crossroads” and anything Jackson Five gets to the top of the pop charts. (Oddly, they’ve never made it on their own charts, look it up.)
Mind you, I have no intention of giving up my single act. Some of the rock tunes, like “Hard To Handle” (Black Crowes), I’ve already incorporated. Mind you, “Living After Midnight” (Judas Priest) is marginal at best. Yes, I’ve been looking for gigs. The owner at the VFW knows the owner of Jimbo’s. I’m informed that the VFW is not a tipping crowd, which makes it difficult but I can work around that.
The VFW guy wants to drop in and see my show, probably a prudent move. The stage and dance floor in the VFW is a long way [inside the building] from where the bar is located. There are tables around the stage, not bar stools. It is designed for bingo and socials, not partying. Still, I cannot ignore a potential paying crowd of 30 – 35 in this town. Later, nor did I realize how rare it was. In my teens, that was a small crowd.
Things are changing over at the wig place, I don’t know about the personnel changes, but not everybody is working out. Without going into detail, if you were more talk than action over there, it is too late for you. I appear to be the only one not really worried. You want my job, you can have it and good luck. Something is up over there.
Boris, the new net [web page] guy, knows more than the troop of others put together, and he works fast. (If I’m not mistaken, a few former people are trying to get back on board.) One thing he does that gives him the edge is he answers his phone. He is able to focus on the complete details needed for web commerce where others seemed to actually think artistic ability alone would bring in the customers. Male group-think, you know, that you should order your product from the place with the fanciest web page. Boris latched immediately onto what needs done to make money – the 3D artwork can follow.
Myself, I made $7 in tips tonight. A) I admit it. B) That rivals what some duos I can name ever made. The crowd was too small, and many of those have heard my act before. I am very aware of the difficulty of remaining new to a room of regulars. I think I’ll try the beach again because September is around the corner. Much as I want a house gig, I do not feel I can carry one just now.
Jimbo’s was dead, although a gal came in near closing. Far too good-looking to hang out there, I conclude that her job as a waitress on the beach is not really the job she just got off. Jimbo’s is not exactly walking distance from Hallandale Beach. So she was a hooker, albeit quite a pretty one for this area. True, she was off duty, but I still left her there. Is there a term to describe women who lose the ability to deal with the situation when, later in life, they actually meet a man who could do them some good? On a sideline, she reminded me of The Hippie, in that she could name every bar and music joint on the Broadwalk, but hardly anything else.
I’ve got some new referral customers to meet this weekend. There is a downside to that for me, in that I am so terrible with names. I often cannot remember who referred who unless I see them in person. I probably said, but I once tried that method of recalling people’s names by noting their most outstanding characteristics and associating from that. The problem was every second person became Mr. Cultureless Mouth-Breather.
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