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Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2, 2007

           We’ve solved the conundrum of why Fred’s rent soared last year. It is because they have installed a lagoon in the back parking lot. As you see, the only thing missing is stocking it with fish to double the rent again. This puddle is around a foot and a half deep in the middle, and typical of how things get planned in advance around here.
           The morning I spent with one of the most stubborn computer installs I’ve done in years. I ran into problems that even Fred has not seen before. I kept at it and was over an hour late getting in to the wig store. While things are underway, they are not underway nearly enough for the time and money spent so far. Even though I’m the one who predicted this product will sink or soar, there are still other areas where a gradual progression is expected.

           Of the two situations, that is, the computer and the wig store, I would have stayed away from the people part completely, except I needed the money. The wig place is female owned and operated and on days like today, I get the secondhand conversations. Where it takes up to four women up to an hour, operating in relays, to decide to mail a letter. On and friggin’ on where a man would have grabbed the damn thing and stuffed it down the slot, insensitive lout that he is.
           Thanks to my time at the phone company, it did not drive me crazy but that does not mean I liked it. It is just exasperating, yet amazing because things do actually get done. The letter was mailed at the proper “sensitive” moment, and the same conversation settled the argument of whether the dog with the “Yappy Hour” wig should accessorize with plastic or leather and thirty or more related but critical issues thereby raised were put off until next session. Today has got to hold some record for most avoided straight answers per hour. My cubicle is right where I get it both barrels.

           The dog, Wiggles, has experienced a growth spurt. She is now nearly half the size of my cat and can take any Styrofoam cup she finds on in a fair match. The work was tiring today, something I don’t like at all. You work so you can enjoy your time off, which can’t happen if you are tired. It would be better for everyone if some sales were coming in but whoever is in charge of that is falling behind. There are a few trade shows in the making, places like New York.
           I’d pay admission to see how the female sales reps are going to win over the male purchase agents on this one. It would be different, of course, it they were all twenty years younger. “It’s a dog wig, sir, don’t you just love it?”

           While walking out to my car, I finally met one of my neighbors, Mary-Ann. She lives with her brother on the next street up. He “sits around all day doing nothing” but my personal experience tells me that is what brothers are for. She wanted to know if I was staying until the end, although I have no idea why. I mentioned to her that the owners were buying the trailers only to find out this little gem: she and her brother had sold their trailer the first day the offer arrived and spent all the money that same afternoon.
           She then began to tell me about how her mother had recently died and I suddenly remembered I had to go put air in my tires. What? Oh, okay. Around fifty, skinny to the point of anemic, less than average looking, unsteady on her feet and an almost albino white color except for tanned lower arms. Around five four and a hundred five, limited vocabulary and apparently unemployed.

           Today’s trivia comes from the book I’m still reading on European history. Either I am a slow reader or it is a big book. Charlemagne (French for “Big Charlie”) did a lot of pretending he was religious, much like modern Americans. He actually conned a whole monastery of monks into thinking they were translating Roman scripts when he was actually introducing “small letters”.
           The Romans had none, they used only capitals, which by 500 A.D. or so, had become so stylized on parchment that most letters looked alike. I wonder, are there any other languages in the world (besides the Latin-based) that have big and small letters? Now you have it, small letters were totally a method to make the language easier to read. And to reveal total dumb-farts on the Internet.

           Here is another thing from the same book. Feudal society, which lasted around 700 years beginning around the year 500, had the same social hierarchy as most of Europe for the years that followed. Life was short and brutish under the feudal system yet, during that entire period, not one king was ever assassinated. Compare to what followed. Let’s see who can figure out the reason for this, and what changed.
           One thing that never changes is stupidity. I believe it to be the single most enduring characteristic of mankind. Given Internet access for the first time, what would you do? Okay, now compare that to what 60% of stupid people would do. They begin to try to find “lost relatives”. I don’t even want to know what is second on such a list.

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