This here is a straw hat unlike any I’ve ever had. It is practically weightless and of very high quality. As you see, the light goes through, and so does the breeze. It was made for Florida bike-riding. May people comment on what a nice hat, it was a donation at the Thrift that Dickens said I could have. Great deal.
May I remind you that immortality in the 21st century implies Internet publishing? I received an email from Wallace today stating that his words were “not so smooth”. Ha, no mercy, there Wallace! The rule is publish or obscurity. I had to make the same decision. Any of you other prospective writers, be warned, writing is not, for all you’ve read, a natural human activity. Without a computer and Internet, the task of publishing would be just too much for me.
Mind you, I did take a look at some book-binding videos today. I’ve toyed with the idea before. Maybe without justification, but I find traditional publishing frighteningly expensive for what you get and something about having your work “edited” does not rest with me. It was close to twenty years ago that I first saw one of the miniaturized hot glue bookmaking machines and if I’d bought it, I would be in print. The units I looked at today were far more sophisticated. The tempting model would fit in a small room and only makes one book at a time as you manually feed in the paper and the cover. They wouldn’t tell me the price unless I give them a credit card.
Fred’s new business, the gather the signatures thing, is underway. He put a single ad in the paper for workers and has had 200 responses already. Basically, these people go out and get signatures for various causes. As I suspected, it is a system that has huge potential for abuse. I don’t base anything on petitions because most people who sign them do not read them and of the rest, most do not understand what they are signing.
To read the thing carefully requires around three minutes and I know people are not stopping to do the same. It was very carefully worded to make you think land development would require a public vote, that is, a referendum. It is actually a quorum, a completely different animal. The approach is begun by asking people if they are registered to vote in this county. Then you get their name and date of birth. Then you get their signature. A bureaucrat’s Utopia.
At least it is not as bad as a Canadian survey where they ask if you are registered to vote when they really want to know if you are not registered so they can “take that matter up with the proper authorities [RCMP] in the near future”. Right – if you are not registered, you must be on the lamb? I once filled out a Canadian census form which the Canadian Government absolutely guaranteed was anonymous [plus, it is a criminal offense not to fill out the form]. Four months later my partner and I were audited and the document contained exact details lifted from that source. Cost me $1,600.00. Census, my eye.
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