This is a still from a video earlier this year. It shows the emptiness of the local beaches once the tourist leave. There is a one-month window in the Spring and Autumn where it is still pleasant to spend some time on the sand. This view is toward the northeast. I’ll explain the video work later today.
Let’s just say I was appalled by the amount of information the CLEP program wanted to take their stupid little courses. I don’t remember if I scanned it, but it was like reading a credit card application form. I would not be surprised if they had asked for DNA. Nonetheless, I will look again, as I did not get any call-outs this week yet, and I’m having difficultly explaining to some people that I am not responsible for the other “computer” people they hire.
Barry is looking for an instructional assistant to teach beginning computer science. In case that isn’t clear, computer science is only partially concerned with programming and languages, but it is heavy on theory. They want a Master’s Degree. Upon reading the specs, they are going to have a hard time filling that position, so just maybe I’ll take a closer look. I do not have any Florida qualifications, but unlike some people, it is not any lack of brains that is preventing me from getting some. I’ve little knowledge of object oriented programming. It’s one of those things I’d pick up in a couple of weeks if I had a mentor.
I’m also preparing for the day I can qualify for AARP programs. Normally I’d ignore the program but they do have some government positions in there that cannot be overlooked. I’m not at all adverse to a government pension of any kind. I also know that I won’t be packing music gear around town even ten years from now.
The tough morning heat kept me indoors (from bike riding, I went out driving). I managed to reprogram Linda Ronstadt’s “Silver Threads” which was recorded off key (1.4% below C). It also changes pitch during the lead break. It only took an hour, so maybe I’m getting better with the software. As a continuation of y’day, I’ve created a generic Jimmy Buffett bass line that fits to a lot of his music. The bass can get away with that, why I’m just giving it that “island flavor”.
For a break, I clipped an old avi video of JP and I, clowning around in the Keys earlier this year. I’ve got it mixed right down to 16 seconds and less than 5 MB. That’s a fraction of what the people say their system will handle. I’ll see what can be done about publishing but I’m out of theories if it does not work this time. I forget what Windows application plays avi. It is not that horrid Media Player, but what do you expect from MS?
Wanting a couple new pairs of shoes, I stopped at that Hindu place on 441. Wow, have they gone downhill. Very limited selection of shoes that were mostly manmade material and with those long, pointed Italian toes. It wasn’t worth stopping in, so I proceeded up the road to the new Salvation Army Thrift, which has a nice book section. I bought one full of mind-twisters, but I figured most of them out. I’ll give you my favorite in a moment. I found a yellow pages from 1995, a rather unique publication of all the security and surveillance equipment for sale. It was scary even back then.
Okay, today’s trivia is one of the mind-twisters. This one took me less than ten minutes, see how you do. The lady has to escape over the bridge to freedom and it is a five minute walk. The guard is 100% reliable and will not let anybody cross without papers. He punctually comes out of his shack each three minutes and can easily shoot anyone before they can get across. How does the lady succeed?
I like these riddles, for in each case it the difficulty (other than sheer stupidity) is some presumption the reader has made. Like two brothers born the same time yet who are not twins. Or the two Americans at the British Museum where one is the father of the other’s son. Got it? The brothers are from a set of triplets. The other American is the man’s wife.
Anyway, here is the solution. The lady waits until just after the guard goes into the shack. She slips by and walks halfway across the bridge and then turns around to appear to be walking toward the shack. The guard stops her. He sees she has no papers and orders her to go back to the other side.
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