It’s my backup of the MP3 disk I use on stage. It contains all the lyrics, charts and bass tablature for everything I do on a mixed mode audio disk. Note for note transcripts of exactly what I play on stage with everything marked. Plus a small program that will transpose the tunes to any key. While I think I’ve put a hundred hours into this disk, it is a fantastic savings over trying to do the same thing with the squawky musicians in this town. To anyone I promised a copy, here it is and that is as close as you’ll ever get. Ha!

That does not mean I have changed my advice. I do not recommend CD-RW for valuable data. It simply means I’m using CD-RW disks for a very specialized situation and have taken steps to prevent false burns. I carry three copies, AA, AB and AC. That is how much I trust CD-RW technology.
This week was a cash cow with $530 more in than usual. I went shopping. In the end I could not find any bargains. For example, I was at Guitar Center and wanted some “bean cans”. Nobody knew what I meant until the guy came out of the drum area. He had ‘em, for $15 a pop. Plastic made-in-Taiwan bean cans. Everyone understood why I decided to got next door to Winn-Dixie and buy the real thing. (The drum guy also has a high-hat he may want to get rid of. Part of his old kit that I assured him he had “grown out of”.)
I did spring for a tambourine and a few goodies, since I will definitely be out playing tonight. I had two service calls from Davie that accounts for most of the extra money. I could do office connects all day. That is where an office moves and needs all their computers re-hooked up and tested. Eight computers at $60 a pop, a four hour contract. I’m happy.
There is also potential for more music lessons because I met a ton of professional parent types out there. I’m putting an ad in the newspaper and I may just target that area. I admit this represents a big move away from the computer business, but the music is potentially much steadier. All I need is a phone line. I already have an answering machine with a long message. It is around here somewhere but the tape is missing so it kind of goes without saying. (Get it?)
Wait, I just found the answering machine and it does have a tape, a twenty minute jobbie. Good, I believe Fred has an extra fax line he does not use much. I’ll ask him tomorrow when I pay the rent. What’s missing is the 9V 300mA transformer, but I’m sure between the shop, my bench and the Thrift, I’ll scrounge something.
I’ve also changed the sign on my tip jar from “Weekend in Naples” to “Help Me Take Singing Lessons”. Other suggestions not being taken at this time. It did not help because the gig tonight only produced $12 in tips. There are several ways to look at that but I would have expected twice that easily. Time to move on or improve the show, and moving is easier.
It was a great time and I [finally] have a full four hours of playing material. That means over sixty tunes for me. My estimate is that my act is now 75% complete as to what it will ever do. My show thrives on novelty and even 30% new material cannot dig more tips out of the regulars. The most popular tunes are “Back In Baby’s Arms”, “Dock of the Bay” and “Galveston”. The battery in my volume pedal finally went dead so I did the last set either too loud or too quiet. Nobody noticed.
Last important item for today: there are good reports for people who did not take the first offer on their trailers. The rumor going around is that the offer has shot up to $10,000. Good, keep in mind it is just a rumor. Let’s see what they progress to. I know this land is worth a million per acre and I have Squatter’s Rights, or the local equivalent. Sadly, all my neighbors seem to have taken the first offer of $1,375.00.
[Author's note 2016: the outcome of this was that I stood my ground and got three times as much as anybody else. The rest seem to have been railroaded by the big-mouth fat lady in the office who would tell them, and kept telling me, "I see what I can get for you."
I stopped her cold. Listen to me, I basically said, you will do nothing of the kind. I'm telling you what I will accept and I don't need your phony assistance. I know who you work for. You can stop pretending you are going to bat for me and tell the owners what my terms are.
She was mortally offended and I got my money.]
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