First thing, here is a picture of a crooked towtruck driver caught on my security video. Note the very high quality of the new digital surveillance cameras. He got out to look over my 4x6 trailer with the intention of stealing it. When he got up close he saw the padlock and spotted the security camera. He is speeding away in this pic, but I have some nice close-ups in case he wants copies.

Today is a tiny anniversary for me; I first played in a band on this date when I was 13 years old. The group was called “Western Union” but had nothing to do with country music. Back then country was the dreaded “greaser” music that only drunk cowboys listened to. The lyrics were either idiotic or depressing, not meaningful like today’s “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy”.
Yeah, and her next favorite thing was falling out of trees. Besides, I was 13 and I knew that rock and roll guys got all the hippy chicks, not the cowboys. I’ll spare you the details, but getting into music at that age was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Sure, as time goes by, the supply of women dwindles, but compared to what I see other men go through, I’ll stick with music every time. I play a lot of country now.
It was another quiet day at the Thrift. Dickens called and asked me to go in tomorrow (Friday). I had a quick lesson scheduled for the mornings and he says okay to opening a little later. I put an hour into the HP computer set up for the Internet, but it is that tricky unit I had in cubicle three and for some reason I cannot install certain software on it.
No news from Wallace in a while. I found the ideal low maintenance crib board for him. It has only 60 peg holes, but you go around twice. Also, Marion called from a fancy hotel near the Disney place. It seems I forgot my old walking shoes up there and the hotel wanted to send them to me. I passed.

The phone [at the Thrift] rang twelve times today. Ten of the calls were telemarketers. Unlike Dickens, I love to stay on line and give these people the runaround. I like to tell them to get real jobs because that is so unoriginal that I know they are sick of hearing it. The most annoying calls are from the phone company, because they ask for you by name, that is, abusing all the information you gave them for the purpose of getting a phone, not for them to put you on a sales call list. I like to take the time to explain that to them because I know about the no-hang-up policy they have to follow. I have never bought anything in my life from a phone call.
I’ve done more research on the Apple Mini-Mac, and all reports say it is carefree and will run MS software. There was another Mac owner in the shop this morning and he confirms the software is a lousy $80. The more I see, the more I like. The computer itself is around the size of a small radio, so I’ll have to bolt it to the desk. I’ve also consulted with Mike and Fred and the feeling is that it was inevitable. All my existing peripherals are compatible according to the specs.

Okay, here is a picture but I want you to glance at it quickly and tell me what you are buying. A certain number of people mistake it at first for some kind of health food. Did you? The fine print states that there is nothing different about how this bar is made, only that it has more antioxidants than “the leading dark chocolate”. It is, in fact, an ordinary Hershey chocolate bar with the full 180 calories packed into 1.3 ounces. Of which 100 calories are from fat. Let’s hear it for Hershey!