An entire day at the workbench, due to the element of under-education. I thought I knew about this wireless networking, but a review shows that every job has something that goes wrong which requires almost three extra hours to resolve. Can’t make any money that way. Every major model of router [Linksys, Netgear, D-Link) seems to have a variety of unmentioned difficulties. See if you can even make out the computer in this setting.
So I again spent the day setting up test circuits on the bench. Despite the best environment, there are still problems, even after technically following the rules to the letter. One of the worst things a manufacturer can do, in my rule book, is leave out mention of even one possible error situation. It would be wiser to color-code the box to avoid known problems. One critic of the very product I was using stated “strongly-accented tech support”.
You just know things are going wrong when I haul out my ancient copy of “Hell In A Very Small Place”, the terribly-written account of Dien Bien Phu. When I reach for that book, you just know I need reassurance that stupidity goes well beyond the product I bought right up to a military and nation scale. Then I don’t feel so bad. Even the author, B. Fall, keeps trapping himself into the grammatical error of having to say “had had”.
Cancer Steve. He’s been calling again, from jail again. Sadly, there is really nobody to take his calls this time around. He never got back on his feet after the last round. There is probably more to that story than can be imagined but he’s got nobody left to listen.
I’ve got thrown together two very plain Internet computers, both at $160. The catch is to ensure anyone who buys them that they are getting a very limited “Internet access” unit that is not a substitute for a pricier unit. There is always some two-bit whiz kid who will point out the thing is not a powerhouse.
Another thing, I’ve messed up my right shoulder and upper arm. What have I done? The direct association is from bass playing. I have pain in exactly the same area as I feel regular muscle tension when standing on stage and it does not go away. To cheer things up, how about another one of those photos that 1960s record jacket people found so utterly meaningful?
It is the speed sign outside of Jimbo’s. Since there is a standard police stop a few blocks ahead, it is pretty meaningful if you are doing 45. Notice the typical Florida sunset colors on the clouds. See how the cross-ties look a bit like signifying a church? That’s symbolic if you think the Broward police will just issue you the speeding ticket and send you on your way in five minutes or less.