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Monday, November 26, 2007

November 26, 2007

           You’ve heard me rag about MS Vista, the new operating system. It has a few cosmetic improvements, but the real reason it exists is to catch all the pirated software. Vista is not backward compatible with either the (32 bit) architecture or the software of any previous Windows product. Furthermore, MS is no longer licensing previous versions of Windows to computer manufacturers, meaning of you buy a new computer, it is Vista or nothing.
           Then you discover all the “software” that comes with Vista is the trial versions, and next you discover your earlier versions of MS Office don’t work. No, you cannot just backward install Win XP on a Vista machine because this deactivates all your drivers. Your sound card, mouse, disk drives, burners, monitor, web cam, you name it, all stop working. Last, you discover there are a few fixes available but generally, you are out of luck. Let’s have a big round for MS.
           Today I have the true consumer feelings about MS Vista. This is a picture of a brand new laptop using the Vista operating system. This is also a picture of what the laptop looks like when the owner gets so pissed off at Microsoft that he throw the $1,800 laptop out of his car. Are you listening, MS? This is what happens when you try to make money by market control instead of supply and demand. Don’t get it? Here is another picture. If you still don’t get it, I have more.
           A Comcast circuit gave me a headache tonight. In three hours I could not get a simple hookup to fly. I took it right down to DOS ipconfig commands and nothing worked. I busted [two of what I had the last time I looked] and it still would not activate. I conclude that there is a certain threshold that Comcast cannot drop below. I have no equipment to measure this problem but it exists.
           The Jamus Boss Cruiser (bicycle) passed the 2,700 mile mark and requires a lot of minor repairs. It is still an excellent bike but it seems that the makers really don’t expect anyone to ride it so many miles. For example, after a while, the brakes always skid on some part of the rim even at the best settings, the chain sprocket skips just a little on every turn and small things you’d expect to last forever start to give. I figure I’ll take it into Lee’s Locksmith for an extreme tune-up.
           I’ll likely publish this topic again on the Internet: one thing I really hate is those parking meters that say they only accept quarters. The ones that will “accept” any coins, but only give you credit for the quarters. That is one thing people hate about Ft. Lauderdale. Lots of people agree with me, but then again, one of them is the guy who speculated that female tennis outfits and figure-skating outfits are both made by the same company.
           The following quote on Equality is purely shameless self-promotion. If a woman takes fertility drugs and as sextuplets, they give her a medal. If a man takes steroids and breaks the record, they take his medal away.
           I see there was a Xmas rush in Boise, ID. I didn’t know they had enough people for that, but it was a slow news day and it made the six o’clock. Some people never learn that Xmas is only for children under ten. Or that the train roaring past at Jimbo’s means the next song will be Johnny Cash.