I stayed in with Pudding-Tat, playing piano and bass. I’m going to publish a review on the Yamaha YPT-300 keyboard tomorrow, if it is listed on Epinions. Not every product is listed. Epinions’ the one that put the $1.11 into my account. I’m astonished by the numbers who both read my material and give my conversational presentation style some fairly good marks. I avoid quoting product specifications (except to prove a point, such as deception) and focus more on ergonomics.
It turns out on the 15th of each month their system injects money into one’s account based on the number of viewings. I was correct thinking they set it up, but was wrong concluding they did so for me [alone]. But hey, that makes the first time I got money from the Internet without asking so don’t blame my thinking. Last month I had a dozen readers, I want to see what happens this time with over 500. You can look it up yourself, I go by the account name “veryatlantic”.
My best reviews are on electronics and I’ve run out of items. I’ll look closer tomorrow but unless they supply me with more items, there will be a slowdown. Writing is another matter. Really, the things I’ve responded to on the Internet are mainly predatory publishers and writing schools falsely advertising for writers. The Internet is still the single largest source of ads and the only huge market I stand any chance of infiltrating, so I will pursue.
That is not to say I am not amazed by the regular book market, particularly paperbacks. By coincidence, the Canadians bring tons of books for sale, which I attribute to those cold Quebec winters with nothing else to do but read romance novels. The alternative is to watch CBC so Danielle Steele wins handily. It is just that I feel that market is saturated. Also, when a new author does appear, there is very little information about how they broke into the market. I do know, from skimming their copycat material, that they didn’t just get chosen.
This was a great weekend for me. Lots of fun, some extra cash, and good weather. Too bad there aren’t many local women who look at it the same way. The groupies, which I am now meeting, are not west coast caliber. In fact, they have very few desirable qualities and are usually missing a lot more teeth. Well, don’t worry, I’m out there again and something always comes along. Music is still 500% better for meeting babes, if you work things right. I’m still putting my act together.