I won't keep you in suspense any longer. The frisbee has become the new $1 chain guard on my bicycle. I was going to spray-painted it black, but it's already drawn compliments (for ingenuity, not appearance). I now have in excess of 2700 miles on this particular vehicle, which explains my referral to good exercise.
I must report somebody's gone national with my idea. Dr. Niel reports that his 19-year-old son is enrolled in the school in California, a franchise outfit. My idea was training teenagers how to play in a band as opposed to training them how to play music for its own sake. I do stress that my idea was independent. I stressed the performance of music as opposed to technical virtuosity.
My system works where formal music lessons often let teenagers down. The California school takes hundreds of students and places them in groups of four, and after six weeks farms them out perform at a regular circuit of bandstands. Look forward to another generation of 1990-style completely unoriginal cookie-cutter bands by the ton.
Also, upon investigation of the late title transfer, I've been the victim of another very common Florida scam. Tallahassee requires five to six business days processing time after they receive the documentation. If you look at a calendar, the title transfer agency timed this to land over the long Christmas weekend so that my money would rest in their bank account an extra nine days. This is the type of cheapskate behavior you have to get very used to in this area, where most people who run a business do so because they are otherwise unemployable. You do not want to have anything to do with VIP Tag and Title at 6546 Pembroke Rd, Miramar, Florida.
Hmmm, the more observant may spot a clue that I'm using Naturally Speaking. (The paragraphs are longer.) I just noticed that myself, but I do know that I normally speak in four- to five-sentence paragraphs. I artificially shortened my paragraph length when writing e-mail around 1995. I found too many people could not comprehend more than three sentences at a stretch.
I got into an argument at an ATM this morning, or more accurately, some turkey tried to argue with me. He'd pulled up, six feet from the ATM, and sent his wife out to make a deposit. When she got back in the car, he sat there parked car for about three minutes blocking access to the ATM. There was myself and two cars behind, so I wheeled my bike up between his car and the ATM and began using the machine. He rolled down his window and says something to the effect that he is driving the car and I'm on a bicycle. I instantly recognized the Third World mentality.
So, I told him that he shouldn't park in front of the ATM. He says he's not finished, I said, you were finished two minutes ago. Look behind you, people are waiting in line. Again he repeated that second-grade mindset that the man with the bigger vehicle is the more important. When I advised him just to move his car, he swore at me in Spanish. Wrong move. I swore right back at him. When he started to act tough, I asked him if he was going to send his wife out to fight for him too. It was clearly the first time that particular Cuban had ever been is told off by an Anglo. It was desperately needed.
(Remember that I am not racist, Cuban is not a race. It is a nationality. That makes me a nationalist, and yes, I still think America is the best nation that has ever existed. Way better than Cuba.)
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