This fountain tells it better than I can. This is the park that I was told not to ride my bicycle through a while back. Notice the fountain again. All these nozzles are supposed to spray water the same height. Around 25% of them aren’t even working. The point? This is Hollywood’s newest and most expensive park, opened just a few months ago.
I also updated my Internet work, and noticed a novel reply to a club that was advertising for musicians. The club wanted demo tapes and references from musicians. One musician wrote back wanting a copy of his liquor license and references from drunks at the owner’s former establishment. Ha! I like it because I never thought of it. That’s a classic. It fits in with my definition that most bar owners are slightly retarded ex-vacuum cleaner salesmen.
I got a call back from the trailer people, offering me more than I paid but not all I wanted. Take the money and run. I’ll sell, then cause trouble afterward, it is what I do when you pull rank on me. Basically, they are paying me less because of a delay that they are partially responsible for. That is not how you go about making friends out west.
JZ has his phone unplugged again. I can’t find out of those trailer documents have arrived without driving over there. Major trip. It means tomorrow is a sixty-six mile trip through rush hour to catch him before he goes to work. Last day he mentioned his father now needs insulin shots. I didn’t know that could happen. (A few years later, I was very aware it can happen.)
While surfing for writing gigs, I ran across a place that pays to comment on blogs. The other end said all their blogs were commented-out, but just before he hung up, I asked him to take a look at this blog. The most under-commented blog in history, and that is not just because my home-town style leaves people speechless. He was interested enough to say he’d review it. Does this mean I may become another sell-out to the system? I hope so.
Texas has another folk hero. Under Texas law, you can defend your property with as much force as necessary. That means if you think they are going to harm, generally you can shoot ‘em. It does not matter if they are ethnics (except to other ethnics), you can shoot ‘em. Some may claim this “Castle” law means your house, but my first house is my person. It is clear to any thinking person that the law was specifically meant for those situations when the police are nowhere to be found.
It seems the perps were yarding off with his neighbor’s goods and got themselves shotgunned. It seems the police were too busy checking expired license tags and combating prostitution, see? Where was the Constable On Patrol (COP)? The beat cop who walks the streets keeping an eye on things. Nobody has been charged. If the shooter failed to wait for the police, so then did the burglars. Ha, watch the real estate soar in that town as people try to move in.
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