My favorite display, the electric trains at Aventura. I feel great and biked over to the mall to window shop. The whole setup is around thirty feet long and always keeps me watching for a half-hour. Afterward I went to Borders but that was a disappointment. Some outfit called “Seattle’s Best” has reopened the coffee bar with higher prices (rice krispie treats, my benchmark, are now $3.75 each). They’ve knocked out long counter where singles could read without taking up a whole table.
I made up the rest of the day with tons of reading. I see the two-person car I predicted years ago will go on sale next year, but I was way off on the $8,000 price tag. It is $30,000 for the basic model. It seems the American “car dealership” mindset is taking longer to change than people’s attitudes about what to drive. There is also that spidery Aptiva car that is supposed to get 200+ mph and only requires a motorcycle license. It is also $30,000.
I read a book on politics, or one chapter, actually. That was enough. The trouble with democracy is that it gives equal time to brazen idiots. Just ask the British, who took so long to make up their collective minds that they almost lost the Second World War. I was reading the definitions of parliamentary “motions”, and my curiosity turned to disgust to learn what those terms meant. I would not last ten minutes under such corrupt and decadent “rules”.
These motions are clearly designed to give advantage to the naturally argumentative. “We are here to govern, not to think!” Of the 23 motions, 16 serve little purpose but to delay making a decision and to ensure if anything goes wrong that the records will show every conceivable objection was raised by some trouble-maker in the back row. It takes compounded generations of inherited laziness to believe that 23 such motions could possible be a viable way of getting anything done. Disagree? No need to justify yourself, just make a motion.
I would have bought a few more books if I had not recently restocked this place from Trader John’s. There were some excellent looking babes in Waldenbooks, but with their geeky looking husbands. If I was that young again, the last place I’d take my wife is a bookstore, although I did once take Robyn to a planetarium, where I had to put up with fifty men staring at her the entire time. The selection at Waldenbooks is better, for instance the first book I picked up suggested that Marco Polo “had really discovered the Chinese by repeatedly yelling his first name at them until they finally yelled back his last”
Who remembers my recent comment about the coffee filters? I don’t want to give the impression they clog up all the time. For example, today the filter let the coffee through completely, I know, because I’d forgotten to place the carafe back on the burner. Holy cleanup time, Batman.
Then, I stayed up and completely re-wrote the bass line to “I Believe in Miracles” (Hot Chocolate) so it would “sound more like the original” I like the tune because it is used in “The Full Monty”. I gave the verses a more disco feel and souped up that chorus part where the original bass player decided to take it easy. Would you like a sample of the tablature? If it looks a little better than what you are used to, well gee, thanks.
(F) (Bb) (C) G| ----------------| ----------------| D| --------------7-| 8-------8---8-10| A| 8----—--8---8---| ------88---8----| E| ------88---8----| ----------------| T--1.+.2.+.3.+.4.+. 1.+.2.+.3.+.4.+. ßBeat count (Timing) ----H-------H--- ----H-------H--- ßHigh Hat (Drummer only) -----------(You sexy thing)------- ßLyric hint
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