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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 12, 2008

nbsp;          See the condo. Special mention to this crew because this went from vacant lot to this in around two weeks. Such is just not the way things are done in Florida. Every other road has been torn up for repairs for the last two years. Yet this condo, just around the corner from where I used to live and in clear abeyance of the three-storey rule, here it stands. Behind that Third World tangle of electrical wires.
           This cat. The poor dejected urchin, why Charles Dickens was a chapter short for never having met Pudding-Tat. She stalked and pounced on the toe I was tapping to keep time during practice. What really gets me is the supper dish sound. It is never empty, so just rattle it to get her streaking into the office with that lean and hungry look. You know, the look that TV show with the SPCA loves to zoom in on. They’d have a field day with the “Tat”.

           Her royal highness has a slush fund. That’s right, all the pennies go into a jar for cat food. The rub is that she will only eat those little pellets of crunch material with flavors like “Ocean Fish”. (“Cat Café” is the opiate of the feline species.) She rejects all other food, so don’t cry when I tell you there is $52.60 in her little piggy bank. Because she won’t eat steak, a fricken cat now has more of a college fund than I did.
           Bad news for printer owners. I just returned from Office Bunker and HP inkjet cartridges are $65 a set. You’ll need a color and a black and white, so pay up. That is close to double the price I last bought, for I’ve learned to refill these things. Sticker shock. This is why I don’t deal much in used printers. You need cartridges to test them, and if you keep a set around, they will leak. If you go out any buy them, you are out more than the cost of the printer if anything is wrong. You will never convince me that Hewlett Packard is not doing this on purpose.

           Over the period of my antenna studies, I received eight formal communications saying that what I wanted to do could not be done. Today I sent each of them a picture of a professional setup ($308) that not only does it, but uses the same equipment I’ve been trying to rig up. So much for the experts in today’s world. There are some newer USB antennas on the market, all hand-made, but three times the cost I used as a benchmark.
           Around 18 years ago, I took a look at an accounting package called Peachtree. It was DOS based and took forever to install. I got it working despite a truly terrible instruction manual. It was a nit-picking piece of software than I finally set aside. This will not surprise anyone who was in on the computer game early. There was no way to guess which software would become the winners, but unlike many, I seem to have tried them all, or have you noticed? Peachtree is now big.

           The thing is, I’ve got to choose one package and memorize it, so should it be Peachtree? Looking at their site is a gas, for they have taken dead aim on Quickbooks. There is a little more than friendly rivalry going on. Since Peachtree is the more sophisticated of the two, I have to make a choice. If I learn Quicken, I’ll get paid less, but it will be easier to quit when I get something in my field. That also says a lot about the ethics of working in Florida. I’ll decide soon. How does that go, “The wise man learns from the mistakes of others; the fool, from his own”.
           Will did not buy the guitar; it was more than he could shell out. We had a quick half-hour practice and again, he picks it up instantly. There is no shortcut to playing and he still has to get the ridges and calluses on his fingertips. He knows that. Rate him an A student because you rarely have to tell him twice. He still won’t sing, but I’ve been getting some replies from a gal who is struggling to get into a band. She reminds me so much of Robyn (I’ve only chatted on-line, never seen her yet) that if she can sing, she’s in. She got a ton of replies and chose mine because I was the only guy who did not care what she looks like. Hey, as long as she’s not ugly enough to knock a buzzard off a gut-wagon, I’ll get her on stage.

           There is some kind of blackout on the other coast. Except for Wallace (who might be half-way to Alaska by now) I’ve had no contact for close to a month. The normal stream of information is gone, so if anybody out there knows what gives, I’d appreciate a call or something.

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