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Monday, February 18, 2008

February 18, 2008

           Add this classic to the Hippie Collection of album covers that will never be. This is the Taurus just a block in from the Atlantic seacoast. This street ends at the beach dunes in the background. The shot is totally realistic, with the weathered “Seagate Motel” sign almost dead center. The distance to all the subjects is intentional; to capture the desolation of the area since the tourists stopped arriving every year. This motel is abandoned, probably to be replaced by retirement condos. Normally, this street should have throngs of beach-goers on such a perfect day.
           Myself, I could use fewer people. The fact is, it is usually just two people who are causing all of the computer problems at my Internet shop at any given time. When one leaves town, another one arrives. I would hate to have a general raise in prices to cover for it, particularly since my regular customers rely on my service. If you use the Internet less than a few hours a week, it is cheaper to pay for my service in the long run. The bad customers do things that have to be reset in the system because they affect all users. An example is IM (instant messaging).
           I ‘m not saying you should not use instant messaging, but I am saying you should not set it up on a computer that does not belong to you. Oh yes, we can tell the IM type as soon as they walk in the door. They lower the IQ to room temperature. As soon as they sit down, they start messing with things. In the end, I locked out all iPod features. This one lady kept setting the operations to French and not resetting in when she left—this is the typical kind of pea-brain I’m talking about. (That was solved by giving her a private account, but I am not always in the shop when such things go wrong.)
           Worse, there is somebody I don’t know and can’t catch that keeps doing something that disables my chipsets. This is a complicated repair that varies by model of motherboard. They must be plugging some kind of USB device into the computer that jams things up. This world needs a special computer used only for public access, and one of the prime features would be USB ports that the administrator could control. That is, a computer that does nothing without being told it can. Kinko’s would buy that.
Ha, then I got faked out by a printer. There I was, for over an hour trying to get the thing to work with Vista. Everything checked out, the printer was brand new out of the box, but the disk was missing. Could not get the thing to work! The solution? Somebody pointed out that, while it was new, the box was 12 years old. Duh. The printer belonged in a Windows 95 museum. I should have noticed the printer had a name instead of a number. Remember when they used to do that? A Lexmark “Braun”.
           Finally getting the chipset back in operation, I was able to download 40 tunes. This larger than usual number is because I am now beginning to replace the less powerful tunes on my list. Leaving are items like “Stir It Up” and “Smoke that Cigarette” and “I’ve Been Everywhere”. Arriving are “Spiders and Snakes”, “The Longest Time” and if it flies, a total bass version of “Neutron Dance”. The retired songs are placed on a second disk, kind of like honorable mention if I ever get a paid request for them.
           Yes, “Spiders and Snakes” by Stafford. Bill Tronnes and I used to have a riot with that tune. My favorite line, “This frog’s for you.” I still get mileage on that one. It is in E, but I think I’ll be showing Will how to play a B7 very shortly. We had a one hour lesson today. I think enough people have told him it is amazing how well he is doing after such a short time that he may be finally listening. He was invited to jam already. Of course, some credit should go to the talent scout.