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Friday, March 21, 2008

March 21, 2008

           Yes, it is a good Friday. I was getting ready to drive all the way to BrandStupid in Miami to purchase a new DVD player. Then I thought, what about that dinosaur clunker I bought third hand at the Ft. Lauderdale armories five years ago? It is so old and over-built that I had never checked for MP3 capability. It weights around eleven pounds and uses a computer power transformer. Be damned. I just saved $200. I’m rigging it up to the PA system for a full test even as we speak.
           Got it. Works perfect. It has crystal clear sound and a better bass response which I’ll have to EQ out. What’s more, it uses a Microsoft file index so I can group tunes into folders for faster access. It picks up the fat electronics, which I call the “lush” versions a little better, too. It does, however, demand spotlessly clean disks at all times and can only be worked with the remote control device. Yeah, but to save $200, I’ll suffer.
           Have I sparked some interest with the lush technology? It is simple if you know what you’re doing. My PA is mono, not stereo, if you recall the decision I made over that at time of purchase. Most of the MP3 music is stereo, which gets played back as mono. I thought, why waste the capability? I’m essentially playing each tune twice at the same time, which “fattens” up the sound. Strange as it seems, some of the file sizes are smaller than before. The downside is you cannot put both versions on a single disk or you get some real surprises up on stage.
           A couple hours later I can report complete success with the DVD. This means I’m leaving to set up early to do an afternoon hour or two live. Get ready for the evening show, where I have been tipped off there will be a talent scout in the audience. Good thing I know any new faces that walk in.
           You want to hear something else interesting? German television. I have a recording of a documentary that includes the German commercials. Hubba hubba. They have real babe actresses, not the gimptard American-style insist frumpy housewives are people too crapola. I’m saying it is definitely worth a look, but you’ll have to figure out for yourself how to get German television.
           It would also seem that I’ve learned that when asked at Jimbo’s for “that song”, they mean “Spiders and Snakes.” If the purchase of the larger place works out, I will also shack up with the next unattached blonde babe that walks into Jimbo’s. She will scarce believe her good fortune. She gets the package deal.
           Later. A good night for tips, including a twenty in there. Steak again tomorrow. The new device has a different envelope and it is almost too clear-sounding for the job. I will have to re-engineer all my music to put a larger gap before and after, since this unit begins playing almost instantly. (No time to set down the remote and get ready to pick. Also, it always jumps to the next song and this feature cannot be turned off. Fortunately, I am in the process of revamping the tunes so the burden is diminished.
           Where were the holiday crowds? This town can be odd that way. Plus, the police make sure nobody can have a completely relaxed time after dark and occasionally they catch a bad guy. The guy that was supposed to drop by to see my act never showed.
           I do not work on Fridays. I could, but I don’t. The catch is that Friday is also payday. That means I can’t tell you what I made last week. The pay structure is a bit convoluted. Nothing clears it up like the close examination of a paycheck. I have the option to work 3 till 8 on Saturdays which is not a bad deal at all. If I have a slow day at the shop, maybe I can pick up an extra sale. If I don’t go in on the weekend, it is a 28 hour work week. Suits me fine and I’m getting better at it.