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Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16, 2008

           I’m still a little rough around the edges, I had to pass on playing tonight. On the way back, I stopped to hear Johnny D do a set. He gave me a CD of his favorite tunes which I find to be all jazz-like (and thus hard for me to follow on bass). I think I’ll learn a couple of the easier ones to let him know what it is I do. It is fairly dated material, Cat Stevens and Jim Croce, so maybe I can find the tabs somewhere. Otherwise it is not worth it to me to learn music that can’t be faked.
           Lazybase. It is a database, but not much of one. It is kind of hokey, actually, and does not live up to the claims made in either the advertising or the reviewer in PC Today. In over two hours, I could not get it to do much more than flat file, a standard that went out in 1983. Also, it will accept duplicate fields in the primary key. You can put a series of simple databases with common keys in the same list, and a search will go through each one, but that is hardly a substitute for the real thing. Also, has no picture fields, making it extremely primitive. I looked at an alternative called Dabble, but it isn’t free, which is not something I’ll cave on too easily.
           To see where it leads, I published the US/Canada area code database using Lazybase. You cannot define or change the appearance of the search results and it is not clear what to search on, but it is a vast improvement over all other (easily available) area code products on line. You can search on one term at a time, that is it. I’ll tweak it for performance a little. There is also no way to customize the product or put any kind of ownership notice to the work. Nor is it integrated with email as I previously thought. For the hell of it, I registered a bunch of the more popular untaken names (money, investors, chat) just in case anybody wants to buy one from me. That’s a dirty trick I learned from Generation Y+10.
           I also toured Foxit and encountered a new euphemism. The software is “non-free”. Face it, everybody who took marketing in the last five years is a shit-head, big time. Who else sits around cooking up such crapulence? A phrase like that typifies to me the process of deliberately conniving to take advantage of people’s better nature. Mind you, the people that have jobs that use this kind of twisted language are often the type who can’t get hired anywhere else no how.
           Having time and minimal energy, I reviewed more of the unlabeled DVDs I’ve got by the stacks. I seem to have so many videos of the Hippie and me practicing that I can only conclude he must have said he would be paying for it all. There is even an edited version of the Snyder Park fiasco where nobody showed up except the band (I didn’t play that day, only videotape.) Add in much boring footage of Hollywood Beach, where there are never any total babes, and me talking at the lens while practicing two-camera work.
By chance, I picked the most inhabited place in the area when I bought this place.            I didn’t know this was the highest concentration of year-round occupancy compared to the rest. Now that the park is 157/160ths deserted, I can really appreciate the peace and quiet. It seems there was always somebody milling around before, always a car or two pulling up. The new place is on a side-street that is not a shortcut to anywhere. Wallace and I will have neighbors only on one side, and only five months a year max. Except for a certain quota of casino traffic, we may just have found one of the quietest places to live in this city. Solitude is a luxury in Florida. They’ve lost so much money on this land it will be curious to see how long it remains vacant. Forever, I hope, serves them right.