Being that I had to wait until noon for a phone call that never came, an odd topic occupied the time. The goal was a definitive term for a certain type of person, the insecure neighbor or co-worker. I’ll describe the symptoms, if you know the medical or official word for the condition, send it to me. Myself, I can work beside somebody for years without ever knowing much beyond their first name, but the opposite type needs to know everything about you. I’m sure you know the sort.
At first they seem friendly but you quickly realize by their actions and vocabulary they are building a case against you in case anything goes wrong. Everything to them is an extreme and they can’t break out of that vicious cycle. If you mention tobacco, you must be a chain smoker. If you mention wine, you must be an alcoholic. If you don’t mention either, you must be worse. If you mention the time of day you must be obsessive compulsive and anal retentive. They have a morbid paranoia, but what I want is the word, preferably a slang word, for that condition.
The condition is even worse when women have it, because they can easily disguise the problem by emotionalizing everything. Just watch any recent Hollywood movie. It doesn’t matter what the hell is going on, trust some woman to emotionalize it. My favorite is the movie (title forgotten) where the space ship is stranded on Mars and they have to conserve electricity to survive. The woman crewmember refuses to give up her daily phone to her mother on Earth. (The men on board, of course, “couldn’t possibly understand”.) They shoot the bitch. Actually, they don’t, because I told you this was Hollywood.
Jose called to say he’ll be over to help move tomorrow. I’d forgotten it took three men to move that trailer into position. Now we will have to cut down a tree to get it back out. The trailer is necessary for the move only because I want to take the fridge and stove. Man, those Florida trees can grow fast. I also want that entertainment unit that Enrique left behind since it is going to come in handy. The heat wave has returned so that means most of the move has to happen in the early morning before things get to broiling.
I’m testing a new program called DVDFab, which is used solely for cloning copyrighted DVDs. What can I say? It works, and it works fantastic. It slices right through anything Sony can think of. In fact, it copies so fast I went back and tried a couple of formerly un-copyable disks as a control. Better still, DVDFab is freeware.
Here’s one for you. My new neighbor is named Leif Ericson. No joke. Marisa is expecting some mail that can’t be readdressed so she introduced us so I can forward it via him. He goes, understandably, by the nickname “Eric”. The average residency in the park, he points out, is eleven years. That’s encouraging. He told me that it was actually Marisa’s daughter that bought the trailer and now the same daughter has bought them a house. Biking past, I dropped in unexpectedly to see if everything was one schedule. It is.