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Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008

           There is going to be very little variation [of this blog] on the new premises theme until Wallace arrives. Until then, it is the dominating feature of nearly each day. Mind you, if I find any money or win the lotto, I’d let you know. By 7:00 A.M. I was at the old place prying up the old paving tiles. Those pads weigh around sixty pounds apiece and each has to be handled a minimum of four times. The patrol car pulled up and the cop looks. A guy like me at that time of day with the door open and keys in the lock? He drives on. Yeah, well if I was a babe he would have helped me.
           That’s 900 pounds of concrete, equaling over a ton and a half that I lifted up as high as my chest There is another similar amount still to be moved. This is the type of performance that causes me bafflement as to why I’m not skinny as a rail. Before sun up I carted two wheelbarrows of heavy trash to the bins. Next, I’m riding my bike to get some framing spikes. It is really a, …did I just say “bafflement”? Ha, that’s a good one.
           No renovation ever goes too smoothly. I cut a water pipe. A feeder conduit to the second bathroom was just a tad in the way when I was leveling the deck. It’s shut off until I can find supplies. I’ll need some PVC cement to reseat the knuckle because when I look at it, it may not have been cemented before. I’ll be needing plumbing things shortly anyway. As I framed with the six floor joists it turns out one of them was 1-1/2” shorter than the rest. It was (of course) the one buried deepest so I had to reinforce it.
           Up at Home Depot I discover that this place has 3/8” plumbing and the smallest stocked by regular stores is ½”. I’ll need a specialty supply store for materials to fix it permanently. Right now it is spliced with vinyl hose. It has a slow leak anyway, making me suspect it were not done right to begin with. It was a full day and I’ve got the deck ready to sheath. The old door is sealed off and Mila has a key for the new one. Haven’t seen her for a few days; just her SUV outside sometimes (because I don’t start banging around until she leaves for work).
           By midnight I still cannot get a repair that stays working due to the pressure in the line. I know garden hose will hold pressure, but that is something I do not have just now. Something tells me right after I search all over town and get overcharged, I’ll find a whole stash of extra pipe around here somewhere. Mila came in and helped me put a new splice in place. She is quite handy with tools, I was surprised. That is good to know. I’ll find the right repair parts tomorrow. This is fun and JP is missing it.
           If all had gone as planned, I was going to drive over to Marvelous Coffee for the open mic. The proprietor does know how to make a good cup of java. The Hippie had not mentioned it is a full-service restaurant. I love Caribbean food and I was thinking to sample it. It has old-world atmosphere with beautiful place settings and spotless tablecloths. The location in the middle of nowhere means I hope the owner has a lot of patrons. Maybe once this project is done I’ll sample the wares. I’ll wager it beats the steaks (although I don’t intend to spend the money to find out) over at the Diplomat and all you have to do is park your own car.