On Jimbo’s did I say? Yes. We’ll have to get other bands to play there more often so the regulars appreciate my show again. In three and a half hours, I was on stage three hours and four minutes with less than a thirty second gap between songs, of which close to half were requests for tried and true favorites. I get far more tips for a good job on less-played material than I do with any of the standards. For example, Susan Jacks’ “Is That What Good Friends Do?” My Johnny Cash set has always been a winner. How about “Little Arrows” by Leapy Lee?
I’m going out for pancakes in twenty minutes, always a sign I’ve made too much money. Actually, the real reason is that I never could make pancakes. Dozens of different recipes and directions taught me there is a knack to it which I don’t have. The whole place here is due for a major cleanup but it is so hot I get to take the day off and go shopping. It was 92 degrees inside by 9:00 A.M., a record hot. To all a reminder, these are interior temperatures in the Florida room. I know it is a hot spell outside, but I don’t have that information for you. This ain’t the weather report.
Later, we have news from Wallace. He is on the way and should arrive here in around a week. I shall presume that means with Millie and the gang. I’ll have things tidied up by then. It seems a hillbilly thing, but one thing I must thank Wallace for already is the full kitchen (which I sometimes call the “Galley”). It is so nice to sit down with no radio or TV and in silence peel 20 pounds of potatoes. You can take that for what it’s worth, but when was the last time you did such a thing? Yes, that is a lot of potatoes, but it is also a lot of thinking time. That is what I did this evening. Peel potatoes. How was your Saturday?
The afternoon heat drove everyone indoors, so I went to Home Depot and walked around as much as I could, pricing things. A sheet of 1/8th inch Masonite costs less than $7.00. I further decided to soundproof the new room for an additional $32, which seems fair considering the overall project cost. I had everything today tied to the roof of my car in the vicious burning sun, meaning there was no mercy when I pulled up here and unloaded. I know, it is a two-man operation. But the other man is a thousand miles away.