I showed Wallace how to completely fill all the “required fields” with fake information to send VirginMobile the message that people get cell phones to avoid the problems of identity abuse. VirginMobile tries to dig your home address, email address and all kinds of personal information out of you, including your birthdate. “Required” my eye.
Moments after we got the phone working, it cut off. The problem was not listed (on their option list) and the bot tried to talk me into re-programming the phone, which I don’t have time for because they have already wasted half my day. We find out the problem is that your minutes are not yours, they belong to VirginMobile. When you buy a $30 card, you have the “option” to convert these dollars to “minutes”, which presumably would be used to talk on the phone. Wrong. These minutes cannot be used for “overseas” calls. You have to place a cash balance on your phone account in addition to the minutes. Up yours, VirginMobile. (The problem is not this feature, the problem is that there is no warning on the package before you buy it. You will have already gone through wasted hours of rigmarole before you find the problem and you can be damn sure VirginMobile planned it that way. Peckerheads.)
Be sure to read their “privacy policy”, which is similar to your bank’s. They have the right to sell, market and cross-reference your data, and to supply third parties with your information (a third party can “claim” that you have caused harm, no warrant or conviction needed, VirginMobile blindly takes the side of the accuser). If your information gets out or is abused, VirginMobile need only state that this was “unintentional”. You must allow VirginMobile to market services to you whether you want such marketing or not.
Another beware, your “rollover” minutes don’t rollover unless you buy a new “top-off” card at the end of 30 days. In reality, this phone cannot, as purchased, be used to phone people in Canada, which is exactly why Wallace bought it. Let VirginMobile claim they didn’t anticipate that. There are also several sneaky provisions designed to make sure any lapses on your part, including merely doing nothing, will cost you. VirginMobile, you are a bunch of bastard-rats and I hope you flop because we don’t need any more bull artists in this country. Unless you warn the purchaser in advance, it is not your business where they are calling. Again, up yours.
Millie-Belle loves the doggie-park and we’ll have to get her a kiddy pool to lie in. The park monument is the opposite of what Wallace described, it is a park against the owners who exploit greyhounds for racing. Wallace and dog went back there later in the evening when all the other people were out for the evening.
I could not allow VirginMobile to sour my entire day, so I packed up my bass and went to Boston Johnny’s to jam with Arnel. We had planned on a couple of standards, but once we began, wow! It became a one-hour mini-concert. What a professional he is! It was among the best performances of my life. We stood at opposite ends of the stage apparently ignoring each other and getting every tune cranked out in a perfect duo fashion. Arnel could do something I haven’t seen in years – play guitar with a band instead of (no names mentioned) playing as if the band is there to back him up. Yes, there is a tremendous difference.
Let me restate that although there is nothing particularly difficult about my act, but at the same time most people have never seen a show like mine. Once he caught on what I could do, he killed the backing tracks and away we went. He instantly saw he didn’t have to play any fill notes covered by the bass (because doing so makes lead breaks sound thin). In just over an hour we played some 18 tunes. At one point we had everyone, including the staff, on the dance floor. I’m not going to sell you, but you’d have to hear it—a duo playing as a duo, not as some synthesized album tracks layered 64 channels deep in a studio.
I just had to ask where he learned all this. It turns out he is Philippino, not Korean and we are roughly the same age. I would have took him for 35, tops. He’s played a professional Vegas show for twelve years and works the cruise lines. His show books for a minimum $200 on weekdays. Well, he has certainly benefited from those years because he represents a level of competence and musical compatibility that I have never seen in Florida. The plan is to be there again next week to see what happens. He is an Eagles fan, where I can’t say as I have never been able to stay completely awake through any of their songs.