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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008

           This is the famous magic shuffle. The 16 to 18 point hand Wallace deals himself every game. Even a digital camera is too slow to capture the technique. That is Wallace caught in mid-deal. It is amazing to watch. He gets a double-run in his hand, and the cut turns it into twice that. Plus he never has to break up a good hand to give himself a good crib. Figure that one out and you stand a chance.
           I finally got it, the missing mystery note the Eagles left out of their bass lines. The problem stems from the fact that only talented musicians can sustain listener interest over long measures of the same chord. The rest resort to chord substitutions. It is a proletarian tactic brought to perfection by groups like the Eagles and the Kinks and flogged to death by generations of Blues players. Each of these recording stars have an implied passing note between their chord changes. Don’t listen for it because it isn’t there.

           With the Eagles, I could get either the note going “up” or “down”, but not both. Guess what? It is the same note, a flatted 7th which is also the mediant of the “4” chord. Now, I can play Eagles bass lines that work even though the Eagles regularly mess up during most of their tunes. A good example is Peaceful Easy, where they can’t seem to play the chorus the same way twice. When playing them, I can now also hear a little Jimmy Buffet in there, although his studio-hired bass players rarely show any consistency.
           Today’s analysis of the gig y’day won’t take long, since I didn’t actually play. That place is going to need massive advertising to take off. It has changed management frequently. The new people seem to have deep pockets, their monthly electric bill is $3,000 and they have another location on Miami Beach that charges $10 for a bottle of water. It is in my best interests to be patient while they get ready.
           Today is a goner for any real work, it is perceptibly the hottest day this year. I stayed indoors, and by mid-afternoon Wallace headed for the Friendly Inn. So it was me stuck inside with “Planet of the Apes” and police programs. It is amazing how many crooks never catch on they are being caught by their own lack of knowledge how databases work. Imagine, acquiring a car under an alias and then giving a real address. Or keeping the same girlfriend. Still, with these needlessly spectacular arrests, the police are on the path to creating new heroes out of these bad guys.

           Then I see this commercial with Marie Osmond plugging a diet plan. I wondered what happened to her. She must have turned into a butterball for she says she lost 40 pounds. She portrays a real loonie in the ad, posing in a pair of designer jeans. She mentions something about being a free woman and having eight children. So which is it, toots? She looks skinnier than Hannah Montana and has gone a long way to looking more feminine than Donnie.
           Speaking of the Disney channel, that may be the only place that many five-piece bands still exist. I will stop and look at any band with more than three members because they are so rare. Oddly, these (usually teen) bands use a format that is close to sixty years since inception. They woefully lack the charisma of the originators. By their age, the Stones and Beatles had done the real thing several times over.

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