This is a picture of a happy bachelor about to be extremely well fed (y'day). This over in North Miami, outside Peggy’s condo. Any ladies are not meeting bachelors two at a time should read between these lines. I re-discovered that all my dress shirts were long-sleeve. Hey, Wallace, at least I wore a tie, there dude. The condo has an excellent view overlooking the water, in this instance, Mall Bay, which I was unaware existed. That would likely be Aventura Mall, which was visible in the distance.

Peggy donated an old HP which was locked to a phantom A: drive. I spent more time on it that it was probably worth, but I got it running. It will take over as the CafĂ© Manager controller, since that does not require much computing power. This kept me in the shop all day. Business has really tapered off. That new SP3 (Service Pack 3) virus is keeping the doors open. It is a virus that emulates a SP3 update from MS but which locks your computer demanding a validation code that doesn’t exist.
A customer in today needed assistance with a legal form. It seems the local Sheriff’s office got sued in a class action concerning strip searches resulting from traffic stops and misdemeanors. That will cost them $11 million but I doubt it will make any difference since the cops don’t have to pay it out of their own pockets. As it was, all the police had to do was claim they suspected someone of drugs, alcohol or firearms if they didn’t “cooperate”. This incidents took place from 1996 to 2007. The victim stands to get paid a bundle on that one. How strange that such events never make the front page.
The media is going crazy about Hannah, still weeks away out over the Atlantic. I had an uncle Frank that was obsessed with weather reports. He spent hours a day fretting about cold weather in the Dakotas. He had a stack of newspaper weather sections dating back years. He never learned a thing about climatology or meteorology but he was a virtual lunatic about daily high and low temperatures. Well, we got people here in Florida who worry about rainfall. All I say to such people is “Get a life!” Or at least shut up about the damn weather, for God’s sake.
[Author’s note: I admit to mentioning the heat often. Big difference, because I mention how it prevented an activity or something similar. I never go on about how hot Channel 7 says it is going to be for the next five days. Make sure you don’t confuse the two activities.]
I would like to get over to South Miami this weekend. JZ has not been in touch, indicating he may be back with his ex [girlfriend, not wife]. “This is your lucky day”, she used to say. She [always] just got off the phone with her mother, who is sending her “a money order for $5,000” and it will be in the mail next Tuesday. his is your last chance to lend her $300 just to tide matters over until the money arrives. Your lucky day. JP won’t admit how many times he’s fallen for that one.
Later. I got multiple phone calls and plenty of woe from my audience for last evening. Arnel concluded I was preoccupied y’day. The usual gang showed up to hear the show and there I was—gone! Tonight, I played Jimbo’s, just a three hour set. August is not a great time for crowds. I am most concerned that my solo act is wearing thin but you know, I am still there in over a year. Most singles don’t last a month. I got plenty of flak about not showing up last evening, but hey, I was out to dinner and that does not happen often enough. You guys can put a dollar in the juke box once in a while. I’m flattered to hear that people were asking for me over the house P.A. but there isn’t one of you that wouldn’t choose the home cooking yourself given the opportunity.
In any case, I would have hesitated to jam with Arnel had I known my left ear would still be blocked. I am nearly deaf on that side. From experience, I know I have to wait it out. I can’t hear you right next to me, but I did pick out that Little Jo (the blues-singing server) broke her arm. They live in the second story, and the concrete steps got slippery in the rain. This is hearsay, wait for the facts.
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