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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5, 2008

           Signs are goin’ up, signs are comin’ down. Here is my professional installer putting up my newest. This constitutes the entire ad campaign for the summer at our shop. The steep prices from the local newspapers put that avenue completely out of range. A cool $900 for a ½ page ad once a month shows these media people only report recessions, they don’t necessarily grasp the implications. I pause to mention the quality of their content has sunk out of sight. I’ve seen full page pictureless articles about some guy whose neighbors thought he was “really nice”.
           Makes you appreciate this material. Just read and enjoy. It as that kind of day, what can I say? First the good news, I got the results from my blood test. I can now say I used to have a heart condition normally associated with people far old than I. They once put me on a restricted regimen because it is still unknown why I had this problem. At least we now know it was not my diet, and that is the best news. Peanut butter, eggs, chocolate and I are about to get re-acquainted. All my old buddies.
           A couple came in today to have tapes copied to DVD. Ahem, it is pure coincidence, but we’ve now got a full series of instructions on how to be professional dog groomers. Hey, Wallace, get over here and take a look at this. Here Millie-Belle, here girl. Where’s my clippers? Say, Wallace, do you think she needs, like, a diet? I mean, for those double withers. Today’s trivia is where do those dumb poodle cuts originate from? You know, the bobbed tail and furry mane style.
           Poodles are intelligent, hence were once used in traveling shows and trained as performers. That was probably purely an economic measure. This also proves Jay Leno could have gotten a job in the Middle Ages. The poodle cut was to emphasize their human features and to help them wear children’s costumes which were often the wrong size. See? Leno again.
           Mitch was gallivanting around the countryside, attending rock concerts. That explains his disappearance for two months. Myself, I can’t take holidays because I don’t have a job. Ha, darn, hey. Yes, the story is true that he missed a chance to visit Europe when a letter didn’t get mailed by a man his dad trusted. It was a program whose application had to be signed by a parent, and Mitch could have gone for an immersion course in German. Mitch didn’t seem that disappointed, but I recall RofR and his dad were really broken up over that at the time.
           A glitch in our procedures means the CafĂ© Manager software was not ordered today. That gave me time to completely retest the setup and I have a second bank of questions for the manufacturer. Plus, I read their on-line manual and it is clear they translated it from some Asian language. I’ve been getting a string of new customers and I’ve asked each two polite questions. Are you a former Kinko’s customer, and did you find out about us from my new sign? Oddly, neither factor has influenced anyone, they all say it was a random walk in.
           Anna called to report that nasty virus with the yellow banner. I biked over there and we decided to wipe the drive and start over. That will take several hours even with a 60 GB unit, but Anna is a treasured customer and it has to be done right. I was so happy about my health report mentioned earlier that I rode my bike a total of ten miles standing on the pedals, that is, not sitting down. That got a few looks even without the hot weather. I get more exercise than any fifty people in this town.
           Back home, the property owner decided the residents are using too much water. I agree. Some people here have to water their yard every day, and that is purely not necessary in this humidity. That’s fine, but the landowner overstepped the line by sealing off everybody’s exterior water lines. Wallace and I don’t care because we don’t use those taps. The ones we use are inside the patio and Millie-Belle’s sleeping spot is right there. I suspect there will be come ramifications when the Canadians return in a few months.
           Since I was past the post office, I looked into the window at the new club. They are not ready this week either. I didn’t contact them since I felt that might embarrass the owners.