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Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19, 2008

           Here is a sign of the times. The highest technology on the planet used to hook people who can’t type on primitive “text messaging”. A million-dollar tower built by minimum wage labor. The government announced a possible trillion dollar package to set mortgages back on track. What idiot came up with that one? They hired the money, didn’t they? I assure everyone you will see the wisdom of what Wallace and I have here in a few short years.
           I’m sipping my coffee with a spoon of vanilla ice cream. You need only do this once to realize there is no longer any cream in the formula. Way back, my girlfriend (Judy Minty) used to plunk Spumante ice cream in her coffee at the Prairie Dog Inn. I did the same today with the modern product but was so watery I had to add Carnation to smooth it out. Now I’m afraid to look up the list of ingredients, since who really knows what “milkfat” consists of these days.
           Incidentally, I Googled this blog and it makes the top of every search engine, often showing pages of sub-listings, whose purpose I’ve never bothered to learn. There was actually another blog with the same name, but I see it has been recently deleted. I wonder why is that? There is also a similarly named “Tales From The Trailer Park”, but mine is the grand-daddy, pre-dating all these other efforts who must have been aware of the unusual name here before they conspired to imitate.
           The worst seamstress in town patched my jeans. The black jeans I use on stage are a little threadbare and my keys chafed a whole in front of my pocket. That’s the last time I’ll use the $5 lady, she zig-zagged a patch but why did she use a white one? That’s a duh. Eric was over to report several things, the one that interested me was how well the zoning of this property makes it nearly impossible for anyone to build condos here.
           Sad news, Karaoke Ron passed away y’day morning at 4:00 A.M. Did I also mention California Johnny is now down in Miami, unlikely to travel out this was. If we find out where he is, we may visit. Miami is a forty mile round trip from here.
           I have practically given up trying to find the change machine. For the record, I did write to Diebold company with a description. There has been no response yet. If they suddenly come out with a new product along this line, you’ll know who they stole the idea from.
           It was an unusually good night at Jimbo’s, with a crowd of close to 25. That is really packing the place. The break of several weeks lets my music sound fresh again and I made enough for gasoline and a good weekend. I was half hoping Arnel would drop in on a night when my sound system was working properly. It isn’t sure yet, but I may have my first “booking” as in private party. It will be at Jimbo’s, a birthday. Yes, I’ve done those before, but this one is by invitation.