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Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008

One year ago today: October 26, 2007, new snack machine.

           The Fishing Hall of Fame has a $6 admission. I spent the afternoon there and $6 is about all it is worth. If you believe killing fish using sonar, bait and diesel engines is a sport then you will love IGFA. Their presentation is very ecologically-conscious, but it is after the fact. Even releasing the catches cannot restore stocks. Trophy fishing has plundered the oceans so badly that world records are now measured in ounces instead of tons.
          Without knowing what I was expecting, I toured the entire area, including the “wetland” park around back. That’s me leaning on the railing watching turtles that are so overfed, they flock to any shadow. The museum is a good way to spend a few hours, but take your kids along. If the fishing simulator fools your son, get professional help.
          Soon, I will show you a suitcase full of “money”. Wallace is the star of the show, Agent 68.5. I left the “money” out on the kitchen table to see his reaction this morning. Ha, fooled him! Upon closer inspection, they are coupons from a cellular phone company. Love Potion #11 is Lavoris mouthwash. We have most of the props needed to begin filming.

           [Author’s note: the project is entirely electronic, but I often analog terms like film, movie, and splice to indicate the related processes. What can I say, I was married to an actress. And quite frankly, compared to ordinary women, I wish I still was. Next to her, 99% of all women seem so ordinary. The other 1% are married to millionaires, I'm certain of it.]

           You already know this is the beginning of my fifth year of no job. That is not to say no work. There is always plenty to do. October is also five years since I quit smoking. According to JZ, I am over the hump as far as lung cancer. Like most smokers, I didn’t think I’d be the one to get cancer, that I was in more danger crossing the street. JZ says two years and five years are the danger zones. If you pass that, you are likely to keep healthy.
           Don’t you love people who can’t use a syrup or ketchup without getting the bottle sticky. I wonder about such people, have they never grown up? How do they even do it? They are like people who hum and whistel on the bus, oblivious to what others are thinking.

           How about cops who ask if you know why you are being stopped? That is asinine. Even if you are guilty, you have a right to say nothing, but he’s putting you on the spot. Any answer, even silence, can be interpreted as either a confession or as non-cooperation. Really asinine, there Mr. Cop.
           Or, printer ink in small containers. Why can’t I go out and buy a whole pint of cyan or magenta? The crap is mass produced, but they sell it by the shot glass at SIX THOUSAND times the price of gasoline. You’ll never convince me that isn’t a deliberate rip off.
           There, I feel much better now. Okay, I’m getting flak already. The cop thing. Even if you say you don’t know why you are stopped, he can conclude that is because you are so stoned. The cop is required by law to tell you, not ask you, why you are stopped or even detained. Instead, he is baiting you. No, I don’t think that is proper behavior for the police.
           Come to think of it, I have another peeve. Computer magazines that use buzzwords. I find them no more impressive than geek-heads who talk that way. You read the magazine for information and all you get is jargon. My experience is how most businesses react to computers and how computers change rather than evolve. That is, they are not constantly monitoring the marketplace to be first on the block with each new toy. Yet that is how computer articles are written. Are you an SMB or VAR? Then MS has ISV license just for you. A recent article in the CRN magazine says you should be ecstatic. I say throw such crap in the trash.

           [Author's note 2015-10-21: SMB: Small to Medium Business, VAR: Value-Added Reseller, MS: MicroSoft, ISV: independent software vendor, BS: bullshit.]