This day we filmed many final scenes of the spy movie. I’ll see if I can have some of the preliminary scenes post-edited in time. Approximately two dozen people are expected for Thanksgiving. It will be a buffet style dinner. Too bad you are going to miss it. N’yuck, n’yuck.
As with all waterfront property, Florida has a problem with rats. I’m on to the antics from Pudding-Tat when an unwelcome rodent is detected. She gallops about full speed for no apparent reason. I call that “target acquisition mode”. Her Furriness certainly earns her keep on that account. Don’t tell her that chopped beef dinner she likes the best is really dog food.
I helped a lady set up her computer for free today. It was so slack, there isn’t even any traffic in the streets. Turns out I remembered the apartment, but not the lady. She is the one that locked herself out a few years back and could not get a locksmith. I took the hinge pins out of her back door and let her in.
The big carmakers are panhandling. They want $25 billion and I vote no way. Why should I give money to companies that have raised their prices every year? Where is my $2,000 electric car that lasts for a million miles? Even the car dealerships are looking for a handout. I say let the whole lot of them go belly-up. Small car lots all over the place is an extremely inefficient way to do business. American car companies have had a lifetime to clean up their acts. Instead they have not changed a thing and focus on marketing gas-guzzling SUVs.
I never liked the way the whole system worked. Sticker prices meant nothing and since when did tires on a car become extras except in the thinking of the most retarded salesman? One can’t help sensing that car prices are completely artificial. And what is it with those distorted 0% finance contracts and phony rebates. Don’t you love the “fees” they tack on bring the price back to what they wanted in the first place? Why should you pay for shipping from the factory? I say starve them out and when they beg for food stamps, tell them those are extras.