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Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

           This is my idea of an indoor birdhouse. Thanks to a parallax discrepancy, my camera only caught the first storey. This is at the Hillsboro Antique Mall, a must see if you think things haven’t changed. This type of birdhouse is made for finches and such. Any type of parrot would eat the wood. What was I doing in Pompano Beach, you ask?
           Easy. Wallace and I were supposed to go on a boat tour today. But it seems that y’day my direct orders were disobeyed, that is, to go on line and get maps, schedules, and phone to confirm everything. Facts like I’ve been around the world eleven times must, to some people, mean nothing. The lady at the booth said they had not sailed at 10:00 A.M. in three years. We arrived ten minutes after the ship had left.
           Nobody listens to me. That is why you can hear so many true stories of situations where I just walked away and left people stranded to their own resources. If they want to trust their own judgment, fine. Leave me out of it. I am not being mean, I am letting them know the true value of their own thinking patterns. Very few of them ever learn anything by it, but it is good practice for them. My life has been surrounded by people who want to share in my good decisions after they have screwed up their own. Such people probably enjoy paying taxes for the same reason.