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Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26, 2008

           Want to hear something funny? You remember how everybody warned Wallace about all the flooding in Florida? Get flood insurance, prepare for floods, etc. Ha! Wallace is back on the west coast and guess who’s basement is inundated? They got 22 inches of snow and being in the Japanese Current, it all decided to melt at the same time. Unlike Florida, it does not run off, it sinks into residential turf and if your basement is in the same location, get out the sump pump. That is so hilarious I won’t say anything about it. By the way, you can click on any image in this blog for a larger view, although I cannot ensure results taken on other cameras, such as this photo of what I assume is Wally's yard.
           Return later for news. I presented my idea of the business cards to a select group of high pressure salespeople. And they love the idea. Who wouldn’t pay $2 a month to sign up? I had trouble reining them in for it is still just an idea. Yes, the concept is incredibly lucrative. The trick is to remember that I have no intention of selling advertising any more than MacDonald’s headquarters has of selling hamburgers. Their business is selling franchises. My idea is selling something extremely rare: a valid home business opportunity.
           I ran the database through the paces for six hours. It seems to do everything needed although I wrote to Australia for a little more information. The reply, in nearly perfect English, tells me it is a Chinese outfit. Still, the results are impressive enough to sell and I visited all of the sites being operated by real businesses using this software. By coincidence, the best one for my purposes is only twenty miles from here, in Miami Beach. That is the “watchcommander” outfit. I also wrote them asking for finer details, like the exact price and what it took to fire the thing up.
           The tempting thing is to sell the “territories” before I have a functioning product, but help me rationalize here. The product is so simple and I’ve done databases so often, I am more than confident I will have it up and running in a week, much less three months. You can do the math. A territory is the right to list up to 2,500 business cards on the system. You will earn $75,000 charging each owner a “setup fee” of $30. You will then earn $4,000 per month on residuals. Your job is to fill as many of the 2,500 slots with paying customers as you can, each paying just $2 per month. The only catch is they pay me, then I pay you. Do you think I’d have it any other way?
           I dropped by Jimbo’s after work to get the full story. Sure enough, the Karaoke show is taking the final three Friday’s of the year. Scooping the gravy. Then it is back to my show in January. Hey, it pays the rent over here.