For instance, web cameras. Setting one up and then using it for instant messaging are two different steps. I had such a call-out this afternoon. During the process, the topic came up that I was unmarried but looking. Let’s just say that my email address has been supplied to a 36 year old gal in Chile who has a hacienda. Now I know I’m soon to discover that to a woman, “unmarried” encompasses a wider band of possibilities than the mere word suggests, but at least this one has money. My beginner’s Spanish picks up that she fell in love with a man after high school, but her parents disapproved of him so long that he finally left her. Being American, I’m pre-approved.
Helpful hints department. Not that I’ve tried this, but I will. Before you put the lid back on a paint can, take and hold a deep breath, then slowly exhale over the opening. This deposits a layer of carbon dioxide over the paint surface and will stop it from forming a scab. Makes sense to me. Now if I could just find the children that must be around here. I know they surely exist, because every ketchup and syrup bottle is sticky on the outside from top to bottom no matter how many times I wipe it clean.
Later, I dropped in at the Legion 92 to see the guitarist. He gets $80 a night, partly financed by a 25 cent surcharge on the drink prices. Possibly on the soda prices too, since a diet cola cost me two bucks. He strums to backing tracks that play on a keyboard. I found an older gal and danced the west coast swing. That’s a dance you would likely call the jive. I haven’t done that one in a lot of years. Later, he gets $85 per night. I’d love to get that much.
A long conversation with Marion, out west. It is always so refreshing to talk to someone from back home where two hours of information gets exchanged in 30 minutes, instead of the other way around. She is always a good source of advice, for like she says, she listened to me when she was younger.
My new camera. You have to be careful. I installed the drivers for the camera, which promptly knocked out my other camera, my scanner and my printer. I recovered everything but I do blame Brother, the printer manufacturer, for even designing a product where such an event is possible. Worse, there is no indication that the problem occurs until you try to use the other applications.
Oh, and I did get a squawk about the contents of this journal/blog. All I can say is that if you don’t want anything bad about you to appear, then maybe you ought not to do anything bad. At the same time, don’t go assuming that what I write applies to you unless it specifically says so. That is one reason this record does not use real names. Who the hell is Marion?