This is Millie-Belle trotting to the front of the patio upon hearing Wallace’s car pull up. The overexposure is a true representation of the sunlit brightness on a Florida day this time of year. The patio, if one includes the too-shady garden at the back, is close to sixty feet long. That’s why I have to smile when people say I have the “run of the place”. Yes, to get from one end to the other, I’d have to run. Seriously, the place is too large for one person. Note my bicycle on the right foreground.

Speaking of babes, I was an hour in the lineup to see Valkyrie. The security guard was again that big oaf of a bully who is constantly hungover and yelling at people. The movie chain should find him a better job match since he is hurting their image. But I was surrounded by babes in the lineup. If only it was so easy in real life, I’m saying in the right circumstances, women will come over and talk to me. Sigh, there are not enough such situations. But again, the women were in groups and I never got to focus on just one. Women, if you want to meet good men, learn to stand away from your little crowd, just a bit anyway.
The movie is a bit overproduced, but manages to get everything important into place. The only “war” part is the opening scene showing the wrong kind of American airplane strafing the wrong kind of German column. That’s where Staffenberg was wounded. I wonder what the Allies would have done if the Germans had really had anything like the tons of equipment shown in that few minutes. Or what the Germans were thinking standing around like that in the open in broad daylight.
How about them uniforms? It seems they went all out for the real thing. It is not my area but I would have noticed anything glaringly wrong. They also made several dozen extras look like a small army using great camera angles. Some scenes did pan over soldiers wearing camouflage that didn’t really appear till later but could have been issued to special units, I suppose. I would like to see a movie made about Kursk by this company. (Operation Citadel, 1943.)
The movie had no opening credits, a useful idea. Not that many audiences care who the assistant wardrobe seamstress was, it wastes their time. As a habit, I do stay at the end and actually read the names. That’s in case I recognize anybody, but still. I was wondering where they got such type-cast Prussian officers until I read the name list. Oh, United Artists, good job on Hitler. I won’t ask where you found him. Because you might say at the passport office.
I may be taking on a short-term music student. Patrick the cook has a daughter who likes playing music. The worst thing you can do is make them take lessons. That just teaches that music is a long, hard battle. I took such lessons, but within three years I was organizing my own four piece band. Kids these days require a thousand times more money to do what I did. I’ll get her up to speed in a few weeks and then see how she fares from then.
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