So I strolled around the terminal to see who was still in business. A few really high priced boutiques for those who still consider it swank to buy clothes at an airport. Beyond that, you got coffee joints and a news stand. I did notice an ad for a McPherson guitar, stating that the neck used the cantilever principle and did not touch the body of the instrument. Moments later, I’m back from their site and indeed, they have such a guitar. The neck is anchored to the side of the body and does not vibrate against the flat top. They claim this lets the strings ring longer.
The site has some demos, I listened to one called “Moonlight of Brazil”. It is nice, but only about as original as the song title. What is it with classical guitarist and South American “climatology”? There was no side by side comparison to determine the claimed improvement. The model I viewed was the MG5, finished with Bear Claw Sitka and Striped Madagascar Ebony with a price tag of $5,000. Fred swears he can hear the improvement in sound.
If you've noticed a delay in postings, that is due to the reinstallation of yet another disk drive. My home “supercomputer” has a new motherboard, chip, memory, hard drive, operating system and power supply, but it is the original. The smallest commonly available hard drive at this time is 250 Gibabytes. Um, that should be enough for anybody. In my opinion, these large hard drives mean more data can be lost at once are being dribbled out to the masses in a deliberate ploy to maximize contrived sales mini-plateaus.
Later, I confirm a computer crash. I’ve had awful luck with the recent batch of components. For the record, everything was backed up resulting in no loss of any kind except the time to reinstall. I’ve learned my lesson. Shortly I will also have back up hard drives for each computer so all I do is swap out. My car is acting up as well, likely an electrical problem. I’ll get Wallace to take a look since he drove a Buick. Ha.