I’m going to cheat again by showing you a picture that has not happened yet. A major computer snafu wiped out today’s original presentation, so I had to steal one from tomorrow. Ah, the wonder of computers. Here is a classic shot of downtown Miami with a low hanging morning fog. The catch is, the place is just as dull and drab when the weather is clear. This view is due south along I-95 and most of those buildings were not there when I arrived here in 1999. Miami does not have a “downtown” in the same sense as other cities. Just the crime and high prices.

Today’s s trivia is polar bears. Their skin is black, and the fur is not really white, it is mostly clear. Some army type was looking for the bear’s infrared signature and noticed it had almost none. The emergent theory is that the fur hairs act like tiny fiber optic cables that channel sunlight down to the bear’s skin. In this way, 95% of the ultraviolet light (not all light) is converted to heat which is absorbed by the bear. How about that?
Charities, according to what tax law I can find, are closely watched by the Feds. Get a good accountant before you start. There are strict rules as to what the operators can pay themselves without being penalized for “excess distributions”. The cause must be people, not animals or rain forests. The recipient must be needy, which is not defined. The tax department got on the case of an outfit who distributed funds to 911 families whose head of household died in the attack.
The tax man felt that policemen and firemen were already adequately covered by their union insurances, even though in some cases that money took years to arrive. So, some charity wrote checks to the families to tide them over. The IRS went so far as to say that they recognize hardships, “not heroics”. I see their point, but if the tax people are looking for sympathy, let’s just say I’m glad I’m not the one who said that.

Here is a flower warehouse. Sure, it’s a bad picture, but I felt this sight is rare enough for most people to merit a viewing. You got lots of red and orange roses, the white flowers are lilies. This is a refrigerated vault which is why the brilliant colors are washed out. Not the rose aroma. You would black out in there long before you froze. Sadly, the scent reminds me of “Roses, Roses”, an Avon product that in turn reminds me of old ladies. I won’t go into why that is sad, but it is sad for me, not the old ladies.
These arrangements are called loose or cut flowers. As opposed to flowers in a vase with other leafy things between. They don’t pay as much per delivery, but they go fast and don’t weigh in too much. There, now you know all you need to get into the flower delivery business. Except for the parts where the customer is thirty miles away.
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