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Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

           Here is the smiling face of JZ with the free $20 from the casino last Friday. You know, the cash we spent chasing women, big spenders that we are. It kind of makes sense if you factor in that we are not after the kind of women where $20 would make a difference. You can tell by JZ’s expression how much he really appreciates the find. Good, that is the largest jackpot you are likely to get at the Florida slots.
           Number one country to retire in (survey reported by MicroSoft) is now Costa Rica. What did I tell you twenty years ago? Of the top ten criteria, nine were cost of living. Even the fabled Canadian “free” medical was not enough to overcome the negatives of that country and the US of A came in at a lowly 114th. The worst is yet to come, with pent up inflation in America. You don’t need an MBA to tell you an $8 per hour under the table job leaves you far better off than some white guy knocking down $36K per year before taxes. People on welfare got it made in the shade, it pays $6.11 per hour with free food, free medical and apparently, now a free cell phone.
           In another article, eye contact was still rated as a primary asset for closing business contracts. That's correct, some people still think it ups the odds of the deal if they stare you in the eye. You just know such claptrap is written by self-serving types to cover for their own lack of real talent. Don’t we all love doing business with balding old men who crush our knuckles and try to stare us down? Why, IBM should recruit Hannibal Lector—he never even blinks. Eye contact my eye.

           I am most concerned about my Internet operation, this looks like the first month I may take a loss. Not enough customers. To date my worst month was $17.00 but at least I made something. The scary part is that it was last month. I cannot operate at a loss, so let’s keep the fingers crossed.
           Expecting a callout, I was around the house most of today. It never came, but now I’ve got some trivia for you. A DNA test shows that the majority of men in Iceland are Nordic while the majority of women are Irish descent. Figure that one out. It is the most genetically “pure” nation in the world. With that in mind, I looked at some Icelandic dating sites and was astonished at the large number of black African women advertising from tiny fishing villages. But then, on an island with only 300,000 people, the dating pool must be pretty well tapped out.
           The next thing was a printout of the various signals the Titanic sent after the collision. Although radio was still new, practically a novelty, every ship within range was equipped with one, so that was not the problem. But now take a look at the messages exchanged to see that most (but not all) other radios and lookouts seemed to have been staffed by idiots. The Titanic never actually says “Help!” so many regarded the dispatches as “curious” and “queer”. Men on nearby ships thought the firing of flares at midnight was “odd” but mentally were not capable of getting any further than that. So that’s one part of the travel industry that has not changed.
           The distress signal of the day was not SOS, but CDQ. Yet that is only one of hundreds of “words” transmitted by the Titanic. I’ve done a little morsing and there is a wrong way to go about emergency signals. The CDQ was too often buried in gibberish, such as “It is a CDQ old man.” No wonder so few took them seriously, although that is no excuse for so many nearby people to not clue in what was happening. “Golly gee, look at all them pretty rockets. Must be the captain’s birthday.”
           A vicious rumor was about that Cash Cab had been cancelled. I pedaled up to Jimbos to check that out. It would be just like America to ax a show that I really like. Good news, it was in order and I played out the remainder of the game. As usual though, the writers keep mixing in movie industry nonsense with real trivia. Otherwise, I consider it the best new thing on television. Mercifully, the show derives from England so the jock sports questions are at a minimum. Have you ever noticed that while general knowledge questions can vary wildly in what it takes to know the answers, all sports questions are exactly the same? Gronk no-brainers, all memory work, no thinking required.
           Um, here's an example of a sports question that would require thinking. Which players number was the square root of 169?

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