But I feel she vastly overpaid. That is still a lot of money for something worth a third of it. How much mercy was shown to cash customers for the past 40 years by the middle-class borrowers who bid up prices out of sight with cheap money? Exactly the same mercy they will get when they all lose their life “savings”. They got no nest eggs? Poor babies, let them borrow [and brag about] that, too.
I’ve heard of several schemes to prevent foreclosures, all of which will cause more money problems down the line. However, one of them makes more sense than the others. This is where the homeowner continues to pay the mortgage based on the appraised value of the house, not the amount borrowed. I like it as it causes the bank that over-lent the money to take part of the loss. The reason this will also fail is because it is dependent on people continuing to get paid three times what they are worth. Those days are numbered.
We have a contact in the Keys, known here as “JG”. He’s the server who kept us happy at a joint called “Rick’s”. This is the man who writes about extraterrestrial contact and the related coverup. Although I doubtful about full-fledged communications with aliens, I know that something somewhere has been discovered. JG’s hypothesis is the government is about to release information on the matter, but are undecided how to go about it. They have repeatedly denied concealment to the point of dictatorship.
Myself, I think spacemen would provide the ultimate ace to distract people from the war and the economy. It may be the only card left. Consider just these two arguments: If there is any extraterrestrial technology either good or bad, it would have made some kind of difference by now. The military mind-set can rarely retain any advantage beyond one generation, so even that is no longer a valid cause for the blackout. When summed up, there are good reasons the government may choose now to reveal the long-suspected facts any time now. Life beyond Earth would instantly nullify Christianity as we know it, and to an extent, all life is intelligent. My detractors aside.
Seriously, I accept the self-replicating DNA model as the definition of life. And I also believe that the conditions and time for it to “arise spontaneously” are very common throughout the Universe. Let me see, do I have time to elaborate? A little, if you want to read it. First, planets have already been detected in stars near the Earth, proving planets must be common. These planets will be constantly bombarded by comets, meteors and space dust that contain all the compounds needed to form DNA (amino acids and nucleotides). Huge numbers of these planets must orbit their respective suns in the belt where water is liquid. There are other dynamics but these are the important ones.
I say every chemical which can bond will do so. Stir up a soup of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen and you are certain to find things you didn’t start out with, and not only that, the outcome is somewhat predictable. It does not stretch my imagination to see how this bonding will eventually tend to create duplicates of themselves. DNA. Life.
We have not forgotten about the shoe database. It is now up and running though as yet has not proven of much use. Sci-fi television gives unrealistic expectations to what is involved with database utility. The terrible design of the applications (like MS Access and FileMaker Pro) does not help. For example, once you have finished entering data in a new record using FileMaker, there is no clear way to ensure that information has been committed before creating another blank for the next record. Forget to commit and your just-entered data will disappear without a trace.
Sure, it is possible to program a script to ensure the Filemaker data is committed, but at that point you are far exceeding their “ease of use” claims. I have tried to put a special field on-screen that changes color once the record is committed, and tried making the same thing to happen by detecting if the last most recent record number is a maximum. Neither works satisfactorily if the record has to be subsequently updated. The very fact that one is reduced to such levels shows my proof that idiots can program computers—but their apparent brainpower ends sharply at the walls of their cubicles.
Yes, it is entirely possible for retarded people to program computers, you don’t think it takes any brains, do you? On the contrary, instead it takes real brains to figure out what these retards were thinking in the first place. Take for instance that Mr. Brainiac who “invented” HTML at the Swiss Particle Laboratory. Sure, he created the scripting language, but that does not make him smart. Consider the following.
Yet he did not know how to type and did not even have the brains to consult someone who did, even though the entire original Internet output was entirely typewritten. Even today, it is still quite hard to typeset a document on the web. Type a string of spaces in HTML and see what happens. Nothing, for HTML allows only one space and deletes the rest. You have to key-enter a string of characters that I cannot type here because they would be interpreted instead of displayed, so here is the sequence (to display five spaces) with an extra character to “fool” the Internet: &-nbsp; &-nbsp; &-nbsp; &-nbsp; &-nbsp;. It is hard to offer more proof of how magnificent those idiots really are. For those of you who wondered why this is the ONLY blog on the entire Internet that has properly indented paragraphs, now you know.
And you wonder why I think some programmers are retarded. This is not hyperbole. Those who know C+ are well aware that there is no reason why an imbecile or a cretin could not become a programmer or a team of them become a team of programmers. No reason at all.
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