Here’s a photo that makes no sense without an explanation. It is all over the place without any obvious subject. Check your photographer’s eye and see if you can determine the correct things that make this an ideal photo for demonstrating technique. I’ll help out. First of all, notice the exact positioning of the horizon and the vanishing point. All the lines of perspective, from the banding on the pylon (where the lady is resting her hand), to the focus of where the man on the right is looking resolve to a very distinct point. Even the crook in her elbow points along the correct line of sight.
Normally such a picture would get deleted but I could not help noticing the interplay of lines and colors. Most prominent are the grill just under Wallace’s heels and the circular grate on the far right, a no-trespassing device. A second picture moments earlier shows most of the balances are absent. This all is confusing to the non-tech type viewer, but I've since used these photos for teaching perspective.
Even curiouser were the sites that exist to trash Etsy. No website is perfect, although this blog does come mighty close, but why such organized criticism? The cynics complain that Etsy gives false hope to creative people. Fortune magazine says the sellers are almost exclusively young girls who “are headed for a shock when they get older and don’t have anything.” Really? And what were their chances before Etsy came along? Show me a gal into arts and crafts and I’ll show you a gal who’s been shacked up since she was sixteen. Etsy is off the hook on that one.
Eddie called but no rehearsal. I’m beginning to suspect the outcome of this arrangement. As normal, every effort I expended was with the full realization of the odds, and I will still come out ahead because of the new material. My song list now stands at 136 all-time greats. If this duo survives, it is just an added bonus. Eddie suffers a little from “guitar-think”, asking if he could get his drums out of storage to set up here so we could “jam”. Very funny, there, Eddie.
I seem to have hit both a funny bone and a sore spot with my family quotation about the motorcycle last Wednesday. Yes, my own mother said those very words when I insisted she punish my brother for stealing. Since living good is the best revenge, I will for this week end each blog with a “famous” quotation by my family, followed by a brief explanation to show how such people think. Abandon hope that they might someday find this blog and learn a lesson. First, this blog is light-years ahead of their ability to comprehend its lessons, skip another five million in between reasons, and last, they would never recognize themselves as the subjects since they are all-perfect.
Famous Family Quote #1: “We opened your letter and read it by accident.”
All six pages, even after the second word was not your name? “Of course, you idiot. Don’t you know it is hard to stop once you get going?” All of you read it? “Of course, you idiot. Don’t you know it was already open by then? (Now make the victim the target.) How can you be so stupid?” (Now change the subject.) “Is this the way we raised you?”
Hope you liked that. Sorry if I rekindle memories. Return for more tomorrow.
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