I’ll lighten up. I go to delete some files to find the recorder must have turned itself on inside my pocket. It appears to be Theresa and I stopping for a while at Jimbos, the total length being over 4 hours. But for Jackie’s distinctive voice at places, I’d have thought we were in North Carolina, at the Barbary. Wish I had time to listen to it because it proves that there is a real difference in what educated people talk about, even in a night club. And that with 50 years experience, Sony cannot build a recorder with foolproof buttons. I just heard myself taking a pee. At least, I hope that was me.
How would you like to learn about a trick photo technique that drives people bananas? I can’t show you the trick, but I’ll tell you. Pay attention because this is a riot. First of all, move your computer monitor somewhere else. Now you can see what is normally behind your monitor. This trick works best if it a window and some outdoor scenery. Then carefully place your digital camera and snap a picture of that scenery. Stay with me here. Now you put your monitor back in place and change the desktop background to the picture you just took. If you match it up right, it appears your monitor is transparent and people can see right through it.
See what happens when I have entirely too much time on my hands? The hardest part is getting the right picture. I had to take over 60 before I got one that works. The trick is to get the picture from the perspective of somebody standing behind you. If you really want to get sneaky, rig up a webcam looking out the other direction, but I think the still picture works the best.
There is not much to do in the middle of a Florida heat wave. The house A/C can’t keep up. Wallace left just in time. I can barely stay in the room and even then, I need all four high speed fans are turned on. You have to move them around the room to always be blasting on you. Sleep is nearly impossible. It feels like 116 degrees and that folks is hot.
Alfredo called from the shoe shop, he is back open again but I am out the week’s income. This is going to be one tight month, and of course, the Taurus isn’t running right again. Welcome to the recession, I posted a $34 loss last month, my first loss in over five years. It is well past time to get out of the computer business and I said that two years back. There is still a little money to be made but unless you are selling computers, you’d better be looking for work. The disposable computer is only a few months away. Although I know many self-employed people, I am the only one who actually started making changes in the way I do business. I hope I’m not too late.
Come back later when I'm in a better mood. Walgreen's has this new policy where you have to wait just as long to find out the price of your new prescription as to have it filled. Up yours, Mr. Walgreen. I finally just walked out after 45 minutes.
[Author's note 2015-07-31: I did not know I would regret dropping Walgreen's, because they are nationwide. I was soon to embark on long distance travel only to find that you cannot just get a prescription filled anywhere, like you can in Venezuela. Don't smirk, I've never before in my life had a prescription, so no I didn't know that. You knew it? Well, now I'm smirking.]
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