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Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009

           This was one of the top Imgur photos of 2009, or it might have been 2010. But I studied this period in history and this photo is incredible. Actually, it is two photos.

           One of the happiest days of my life will be when I finally go buy an Apple and throw all my IBM and Windows junk in the nearest dumpster. A one hour install just for a lousy camera driver, which wiped out my other camera drivers without asking, and only reported an incompatibility at the last possible minute.
           Up yours, PhoTags Express. I’m not the first one to wonder where they find such idiot programmers in the first place. Your digital camera may be designed by a genius, but so what if he is a dumb-ass enough to call his driver “Dual Mode Camera”. Read my lips: That-Name-Is-Taken. And no, you can’t trick it by using a different directory.
           While this summer was the worst, setting a new low for income, things are already picking up for the autumn. I’ve run the exchange rates (Venezuela, Canada and Japan) over the previous 31 years, and you know I am the master pattern matcher. Venezuela is out for now and Japan, well, that place is about to fall over from its own weight. Canada is a strange case, the economy there is on average two years behind the US, meaning their real estate crash begins March 2010. Remember how house prices here stayed up until the last split second when the banks cut off the easy money.

           It appears in the long run (7-year cycles) that we can count on the Canuck buck to vary by 28 cents US. While the loonie (Canadian dollar) once dropped to 61 cents during the study period, the standard deviation is just over 9 cents, and that is the focus. This has a two-year cycle, meaning an investment of $100,000 would produce only a $4,500 annual income. One must be careful as such investments mean the government will know the location of the 100K should one “cheat”. Very dicey situation.

           Whereas I don’t cheat, the recent US strong-arming of Switzerland and Canada’s periodic taxation of paper gains set off all the alarms. It should not be income until it comes in. One cannot live on $4,500 per year, meaning you’d spend it, creating a paper trail right back to the source. Hence the rule that only poor people ever get caught, never the king pins. (I have forgotten what I meant by this paragraph. I think I had planned on some investments in other countries and was miffed to hear the US could force them to tax at source.)
           More statistics. My normal temperature has adjusted to 98.2 and the verdict is in, my blood pressure drops by 3 units after I talk to the cat. Here kitty, kitty. This is good news unless the cat starts talking back. Or am I too late? Pudding-Tat and I had a great discussion over breakfast about Kennedy going to his grave with the real story of Mary Jo Kopechne untold. I partially blame the media for the coverup. I’m not saying she was blameless, she was unmarried and pushing 29 in 1969 when she went for a car ride in the dark with a married man, leaving her hotel keys and purse at the party. Calling her innocent is pulling a Monica Lewinsky, except Mary Jo was good-looking.

           I’m okay, but the neighbor here finally collapsed in the heat and was taken to emergency, then placed in a nursing home at $700 per day. I cannot tell people often enough, Florida is not the place to be skimping on your electric bill, not the place to sit in the heat thinking you will be the one to tough it out. That is just plain crazy. This neighbor was lucky somebody spotted him right away, it was 110 inside when they got the door open. Over a period of a month, even a degree or two over shirtsleeve comfort level (77 degrees) can land you on your ass. But some people will not listen.

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