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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1, 2009

           Surprise, the video surveillance people called me back. We have a tentative meeting for Friday. This could be a break for me since the business is so closely allied with computer technology. In particular, I have an interest in learning the newest setups that automatically follow a person from scene to scene as they pass multiple cameras. My days of running cable are over by choice, but I know how to sell technology.
           I got a call from the dog wig place, they needed to know where all the files were. Um, right where I left them. In the filing cabinet. Not like I didn’t know nobody would use them on the computer, so why bother entering the? That would be all the shipping documents from the factory in Indonesia. I was amused everybody at the Port of Miami takes their cut before you get your shipment of wigs for dogs. They don’t need to know what it is, they only know you paid for it so it must have value. So whatever the hell it is, it will be needing their okay. What a hauntingly familiar chime.
           No library time as planned, the sky was getting dark and ugly after work. It was a fake, the rain never hit the ground. It is a weather pattern you don’t see much out west, the rain falls and evaporates while still up in the air. That means it can be freezing cold just a few hundred feet up there, and uncomfortably hot at ground level. Be aware that that rule does not apply to the lightning, which can and does blast through. Most brush fires in the Everglades are caused by this combination. Multiple strikes but no water to quench the small fires.

           Has anyone tried the new Limewire? It is downright lousy. The splash screens brag it is improved, but it now searches funny by bringing back unrelated material. It is a good thing I kept a copy of 4.18, still the best and friendliest. I’m still collecting music for the Bingo mix. Easy listening background: that was the best idea to hit me in months. Hokey as it sounds, the audience for the most part loves it. It is a relaxing two hours.
           I’m lambasting netbook computers thru my ePinion account. This is the tiny (85% size, Dell, Acer, Asus, etc.) computer I was planning on using as a drum box and Karaoke playback device. Good thing I got the lowdown, and now you do, too. The things are fragile, toy computers. But the biggest defect is they do not have a CPU chip. Instead, the CPU is built (integrated) into the motherboard. Watch for the sticker that says “Atom Inside”. The heat from the motherboard is conducted to the CPU, like it or not. When it fries, the whole motherboard has to be replaced and that costs a whopping $671 for parts. Twice the price of a new netbook. When I predicted the throwaway computer a few years ago, I didn’t think it would be a local piece of junk.

           September 1 is my first salt-free anniversary; I promised to record the results. If you decide to do this, allow six months before you can get used to the taste of food without added salt. But get over it you will, and I can report an unexpected benefit. Until you try it, you don’t realize how bad some food tastes without salt. Thus, you tend away from such products and begin to snack on those which taste fine by themselves. Much better for your health and system. You can’t avoid salt completely, but I’ve cut down on all added salt. Another effect is salted food, like popcorn, perceptibly and predictably tastes much saltier than before. And you’ll still like it.
           Flashbacks. For some reason I’m remembering that Museum of Death I visited in Mexico City when I was a kid. The skulls carved into temple walls are common knowledge, but not the countless full-size human skulls carved in ordinary rock, with much more exaggerated features like the eye sockets and teeth. It seems to me only religion could explain such horrors, the tendency for dumb people to worship what they don’t have the brains to understand. This could even explain why so many “seers” have no credibility—the condition absolutely never occurs in the educated.
           Belated laugh, I think. Cleaning up my old emails, I see an entry from early August saying “Happy Hiroshima Day”. It was from Ohio, so I can only hope they were kidding.

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