So there it is, me, the cat and the coffeepot. Staying in the house all day, I think I’m beginning to have glimmerings of where other bloggists get their material. Seriously, have you read other blogs? There’s a Jamaican guy used to come in the office who writes poetry. He doesn’t seem to have a clue how the Internet works. Like a lot of no-techs, he thinks having a web page or blog is his ticket to stardom. He calls me every other month to ask why nobody reads his stuff. It’s on the Internet for the world to see, I mean, what’s wrong with all those people? And did I just say “bloggists”?
In fact, I see journals (blogs fr’instance) as the live entertainment of the writing world. There are even parallels to music. Around fifteen people have asked me for blog advice. Like music, it is a balancing act. There is a tradeoff between how often you update and the depth of your material. Five entries a week is minimum, but choose the wrong topic and the it won’t last. It was like watching my family start a diary. Goes great for the first week. The other extreme are the blogs that are collections of random thoughts. Some (if not most) of them are a little too random, mark me down for saying it.
Sure, I didn’t make it to the bookstore as planned. Not to worry, you see, if things continue as they are, I may be making up for it soon. This was a particularly bad summer yet I am not the least worried. Every shop owner in South Florida is trembling on the edge these days. The seasonal oomph has evaporated and what few tourists arrive are increasingly tight-fisted. Even the French-Canadiens keep pretty much to themselves, with their own clubs and activities. It is a hoot to listen to them sing country and pop tunes, they even have their own Karaoke words to it.
Which brings me to music. Eddie and his wrist cast never showed up today, so do I assume he’s using the time to memorize all those lyrics? True, song words are a real task, meaning the sooner you start, the better. I don’t mind queue cards on stage, it is never me that says you can’t use a music stand. I intend to schedule the audition with the new vocalist probably Wednesday this week. You don’t have to know me to understand music pays my rent, I think many people overlook this hard fact. Music is not some passing fad for my off hours. When I have a good band going, I net around $14,500 per year, I won’t tell you how I do as a solo. But damn, I have not played regularly in three months and I’ve had a difficult time with the rent.
The music by “Pink” went over well. It is also easy to play, they are five-minute specials. At first I was incredulous how many older types in my audience knew all this music before it hit me they all have grandchildren. I have had plans to reduce some of the weaker tunes on my list. The question is what is to replace them. Too contemporary and I have no audience. Check back regularly, I have to make a decision soon or risk missing another season.
Here’s something. Apparently a million people protested in Washington yesterday. The press never covered it. Fox News only mentioned because nobody else did and I had to watch for close to half an hour before Fox would even mentioned the cause. You mean to tell me a million people march and it is not considered news? They were protesting government spending, but of course, we all know the real issue is the lack of legal means for the public to enforce campaign promises. Has the middle class finally learned that elected representatives do not represent anything but their own best interests? The camera footage revealed another truly disturbing aspect: the crowd was 100% white middle class, that is, the taxpayers.
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