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Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

           It follows that many people lament the changing character of downtown Hollywood. The quaintness has, in general, disappeared, to be replaced by high-priced restaurants and don’t you get fooled by those fake $6.99 dinner specials. It’s twenty beans by the time you get out of there. There are very few real stores left, so I don’t know if this new display is a move forward or backward. A full size fortune teller mannequin, I’ll grant it is more eye-catching than say, a stock broker display, and certainly at least as good for your financial future.
           More happy times at the shoemaker shop, as our distinctive personalities begin to emerge. The pronounced differences in our problem-solving mechanisms can get hilarious. What do you do when you encounter an error? I tend to fix it and keep on going. Alfredo likes to investigate the cause, which can be matters like variations in glue quality. Today a customer wanted leather heels. We could only find one in the shop. So we made up a pair. All I can say is that those heels are 100% real leather and they will last 500 years.

           No word back from the Boynton band after our exchange of song lists. They will have noticed I could play a gig with them in a pinch. I can wait for that pinch. Don’t be surprised if weeks become months as the band-forming apparatus in Florida is as sporadic and empty as most of its people. Too many musicians tend to think their musical philosophy is as important as their abilities. In reality, there is only one philosophy that works: get out there and play.
           Final book report on “The R Document”, my most recent read: worth reading if you like predictability. It was, no doubt in its day, a fast moving thriller. Since then so many virtually identical works have come and gone , that through no fault of its own, the book becomes stale as a Seinfeld rerun. With nearly 40 characters, there is no time to develop any of them. Most lasting impression? That’s easy, the story took place back in a time when the media didn’t invent the news. As an example, the Attorney Generals wife had been acquitted of murder and managed to cover that up even from him. Try that today.

           Today’s trivia comes from “Cash Cab”. What is the worst city in the world for traffic accidents, with one occurring every minute? Djakarta, the capital of Indonesia and no word on how many of those accidents are fatalities. Another fact came up about that country. Because of the heavy Muslim presence, which I’ll bet the native Indonesians just love, the models in Playboy magazine have to be fully clothed. What is it with Muslims, they don’t like naked women? If Muslims ever declare war, we could always bomb them with back issues of Hustler. Meanwhile, think of all the employment created for the locals who put paper cutout clothes on the nudie pictures, you know, with those little fold-over tabs.
           October 15, come on. Winter arrives in Florida on that date, give or take a few hours. A more reliable indicator is the number of Quebec license plates. In case you missed it before, 135,000 French Canadians move into Broward county each winter. These are not retired lawyers, so it goes without saying the majority of them are on welfare in Canada. If you wonder how they get away with it, I’ll remind you they have a complete separate infrastructure in this town, including banks and doctors with billing addresses in Montreal. It has been the hottest September yet, maybe even hotter due to what I just said.

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