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Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

           Today’s photo is not really a photo. It is a scan. Read below for the details. I have no suitable camera these days. But you know by now to regularly check back for updates to previous posts. Nothing major will change, anything added is normally in the first paragraph, not the last. This particular photo was looked at by 3,420 persons in the first 24 hours of publication.
           I should know better than to go downtown after work. It was one of those end of summer days, I got recognized and now am obligated to a Monday or Tuesday bass player session next week. None of it with any music I’d know. Remember Gina, the pudgy gal from the chocolate shop? This week her favorite all-time band is “Pink”, which I’ll give a listen. Even though it sounds like a fringe youTube effort. Wow, like Pink man, I get it. So shocking. This younger generation and their liberation!
           Stopping by that Octopus place down on Hollywood, I arrived during Happy Hour and it was full of “single” divorced women. That’s where I met Gina before I could make my escape. She runs the weekly jams and open mics, although no doubt the guy she’s with probably thinks he does. These local women were found so sexually exciting I was able to write out a new list of tunes suitable for the Saturday Bingo game. Let me see, I’ve got “Yesterday”, “Mr. Tambourine Man”, pardon me ma’am, your elbow is on my notepaper again, and “Five Hundred Miles”.
           The worse was a fairly hefty broad at a stool, one of the pushy housewife types that knew everybody in the place. Whenever one of the divorcees would off into semi-private conversations with the barflies, she’d jump to the rescue. Constantly dragging everything back down to ga-hunk level. “It’s seven o’clock, Stacy. Did you call your mother?” Type of thing.
           The shoe shop has an entire front display area that is not being used. One item I’ll investigate is the rules for putting in a Lotto machine. That would make it the only place between downtown (Young Circle) and this stretch of Hollywood Blvd. It is prime space, so I’ll be thinking of other options. Something great is waiting to be retailed right there.

           [Author's note 2015-09-03: the lotto machine was not viable. The lotto corporation has strict guidelines as to what sort of premises can install a machine. And more to the point, minimum amounts for daily and weekly sales that have to be met.]

           The doggie wig place has been calling recently. This causes a difficult situation. When I left there in 2008 , the biggest reason was that that operation was not paying enough to attract permanent, long-term clerical employees. I was hired to train someone to keep the records. It kept changing to a new person every other week and I kept having to start over, never getting anyone up to speed. The situation appears to be the same a year later, nobody is sticking around. It is a job between jobs. Yes, I could go out there and sort it all out in a half-hour. But they only want to pay me for the half-hour. The situation won’t change because that job will never pay a living wage.
           The Canadian dollar is up and running at 91 cents. Now would be, according to my formula, a time to avoid it. It is going to drop back to 81 cents. What a pity I don’t know when. Again, it is a weakness of the US currency, not an inherent strength of the Canadian. But just so you know, I’m watching it very closely. More closely than you think as I have now have successfully tested a new antenna that will pick up all stray Internet signals in a one mile radius. It has a virtual diameter of 120 feet. This could mean very high speed, and everyone knows how I just love the cable company. The one that stole my bicycle. I point out that there is nothing unusual about a home-made antenna and anyone can build a damn good one.

           [Author's note 2015-09-03: the following paragraphs refer to posts on the ePinion site that I placed to find out for myself how much money is actually made on these sites. Very little, no matter how high quality the posts. It was not commonly known by 2009 that truth on the Internet was a matter of mass opinion. While I got very high scores based on satisfied readers (hence the loss in sales to Dell), this did not translate into any real income to me. Something like $9.71, I forget.]

           Once again my ePinion account breaks the records for readership. That was my partial review of the Acer/Dell netbook computers I had considered for stage work. they are garbage while still on the shelves. The scam is that they do not, in the traditional sense, have a CPU chip. Instead, the CPU is integrated into the motherboard, making it susceptible to all the same heat and stress. When it fries, in around 22 days of steady usage (more if you occasionally unplug it), the new motherboard costs $671. That is, more than twice the price of a new netbook. What a rip-off!
           Yes, this is the “computer” from the “Lollipop, lollipop” commercial, also seen in the motorcycle sidecar. Do not waste your money. The culprit is the “Atom” CPU. If you peer at today’s photo, you can just make it out at the lower right-hand corner, “where there should be a warning sticker instead”. The math says I’ve just cost Dell $90,000 in sales. My ePinions consistently rate the second highest standing on the charts and I am known for rarely quoting specs. My reviews focus on the practicalities of ownership. I dislike reviews that go over speeds and drive sizes, for that information is already available.

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