Of all the weird, let me tell you about something. This morning I get up and reach for the light switch and my hand hits the wall to the left. I walk out the door and pull left into the frame. Then I get on my bike and nearly fall over to the left. Have you figured it out? Since I could hear fine, there was no urgency about my blocked ear canal. Over the year I got used to it, now it is normal and for some reason this was vertigo payback day.
For a smidgeon of good news, my bond fund that once bottomed at $5.80 has climbed back to $8.04. Still considerably less than I paid for it and I had to sell most of it at as little as $6.41 to keep this place going. At least I had a backup plan, right? It isn’t worth enough gas to leave town but I’ve still got it. Sure, I’ve been a renter most of my life and some “homeowners” point out that in the end renters will have nothing to show for it. Like what, being a hundred grand in the hole?
The funny thing about being semi-retired and self-employed is the odd working-class dunce who will point it out if you are not a millionaire. Well, neither are they. The difference is quality of life and life was meant to be enjoyed. Rather philosophic, don’t you think? I woke up to an alarm clock enough years to know that regardless of what they say, nobody works for “self-fulfillment” unless they are psycho or have an extremely ugly wife.
Society now has another breed of loser, the 63% of people who think their negative equity is a storm they will weather. They leave it out of their calculations like it will somehow vanish. What they can’t see is the invisible hand kind of clenching itself into a fist. I predict they will be the first generation to reach retirement age in massive debt with zero business savvy. That’s an easy prediction because they are already passed the point of no return. How I will personally react to their former smugness is anybody’s guess.
At least the heat is backing off on the evenings now, watch for the annual migration of Quebecoise to begin shortly. How do they know? I don’t mean the weather report because that can fool you. The days are still muggy but that didn’t stop me from an eight-mile bike ride before work. It was a short day as Alfredo could not get there until 1:00 in the afternoon. I can do all kinds of other things now that I never attempted before. Like putting in snaps, buckles, small zippers, but I’d say the neatest part is that all this is done by hand. You put it in place, whack it with a hammer and get the impression of being an artisan.
We worked late, so on the way home I heard Karaoke setting up at the Octopus. Maybe I should put my own show together after all, since what I heard tonight was substandard. The equipment was set wrong, no pencils to put in requests and worst, the operator was playing favorites. Even if it is a mistaken impression, there is something distasteful about a frumpy lady surrounded in a bar by middle-aged house-husbands who should be helping their kids with the homework.
The singing was so bad, I got up and did the Florida theme song. To show them how it is done. I had ‘em dancing in the streets, literally. I’m not that great a singer yet, so I can’t think of what all the other guys were doing there, get my drift? But the instant I finished that single tune, before the last note was faded, the volume was off and they grabbed the microphone back. Favorites.
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