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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

           Remember Bambi, the lady who ran because she was being chased? “Run, Bambi, run!” Sometimes you can’t help rooting for the criminal who is also a victim. Who was that Mexican guy who was falsely charged with murder, so he stole a horse and ran? When he was caught they gave him life. When he was acquitted, they gave him life for stealing the horse. (I say he was innocent on grounds of self-defense.) He was not fleeing justice, he was fleeing the law. Never confuse the two. Read below to find out about today’s photo.
           I have a possible invitation to the opera on Nov. 14, 2009. The company liked the bargain work I did for them and it seems they have a show at the Arts Center on Monroe and US-1. My hint that we could barter was “warmly received”. That brings me back to a familiar situation. Since I arrived in Florida, I have not met even one unattached woman who can sing, dance, or act, much less one who would be thrilled to be at the opera. (Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met single women who could do other things, but that isn’t the point here.) Gee, maybe if I went to the opera alone, I’d start meeting some artistic women, you think.
           One the way home I heard a reggae bass pulsing out a Johnny Cash tune [Ring of Fire]. What’s more, there was no guitar. I parked the bike and walked over to find a group at the Coyote club on Hollywood. Didn’t know they had bands. It was a duo of bass and keyboards and these guys are excellent. Called “Caribbean Element”, I met the bassist with the extremely Caribbean name of Neville Humphreys. Since entertainers (as opposed to ordinary musicians) can often recognize each other, we got to talking and I’m invited back to perform next week. (Later, I did return, but not to play.)

           I was fixing my VCR all evening and the FBI aired their Top Ten. One character is out of place. Jason Derek Brown, seen in today’s jpeg. Here is someone unusual, an educated criminal. No Lex Luthor, but he’s got a Masters and speaks several languages. He shot a courier and reportedly ran with $56,000. I don’t believe a man that book-smart got so little.
           Fascinating as it seems, the FBI come across as only being able to catch dumb criminals. You see, Brown works alone so they can’t strong-arm anyone into turning State’s Evidence or blackmail people who don’t want to get involved a.k.a. Obstruction of Justice. They have nobody to manipulate, so they have resorted to legitimate investigative procedures which is making them look like the Keystone Kops. He’s obviously clever and he knows how to disappear without a paper trail.

           Fact is, Brown’s got them stumped. As far as they know, he could be in twenty different countries doing twenty different kinds of work. Golly, that narrows the field. The feds are tacitly admitting he is not falling for their customary bag of semi-legal tricks and he’s giving them some lessons in real detective work. Could it be we must, we simply must, have at least one white guy on the top ten list? (Brown is hiding in plain sight somewhere, which the Feds find very unnerving as they try to scare the country into relinquishing privacy for the Federal version of security.)
           Let me point out that unlike what the FBI would have us believe, Brown is not leaving a trail of bank jobs, stolen cars and murder victims. Where are the kidnappings, the motels, the gunplay, the SWAT teams and the ever popular high-speed chases? The guy is just not cooperating with the profile the FBI wants to pin on him. Is Brown even on the run, or is he sitting in a cafĂ© in Rio? Shouldn’t he be desperate and making all sorts of mistakes that pull in his own dragnet? Something about the FBI version smells a little off.
           The FBI makes a lamentable effort to portray Brown as a nasty sort. But their usual adjectives don’t fit this sophisticated quarry. Who doesn’t enjoy night clubs and showing off once in a while? The agency is out of its league trying to stereotype Brown. They even go so far as to brand him a “suspected bisexual”, but they would say that, wouldn’t they? I’m not buying. There are lots of Latino and Black gang members who are far more armed and dangerous. I think Brown has got the FBI’s goat and they want it back.
           They want it back something fierce.

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