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Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

           Here’s a blurry photo of my ex, partially produced by the scanner Wallace brought along. It scans slide and negative but is very inefficient. It takes forever to scan and the manual is totally useless. Avoid the product, called a Stratford Labs IS-505. Sure, I got it to work after an hour, but then it took another hour to process a just 30 pictures. Worst feature was the display – it shows the negative view. Stratford’s got balls calling themselves a lab after that kind of dodo error. The negative view is for scanning negatives, you dorks, it is not a special effect.
           This photo was taken in a snack bar on Ventura Boulevard, Los Angeles. It was a cool fall day, you can tell by the sweater. It was one of our very last “dates”. Her hair is dyed red, she is a natural blonde. They aren’t making them like that any more.

           Quiet Saturdays around here are history for a while. Three cameras are in operation at the shop, including one exterior. You are invited to stick around and learn about this business with me, I’m starting from scratch. I get the impression that most of what I knew about Internet transmissions was either wrong or incomplete. Mr. T., our software setup guy, walked me through a setup today. I’m lost, but not confused. He is able to configure IP addresses to do things that were not even mentioned in all the expensive manuals I’ve studied.
           Neatest feature is the ability to log on and watch the cameras without installing anything special on your computer. If I gave you the password, you could see our front office area in real time, and I’m considering giving you that capability. First let me clear it with the powers that be. Security cameras are turning out to be one of the more direct things I’ve ever done with computers. Fred and Mike are also enthused. It is one thing to repair and install but here is an instance where we are using the final product for a non-computer end.
           Our friend with the store-bought PhD was in the shop. He’s older than the rest of us but still plays the business hustler. He reminds me of many people at the phone company but twenty years later. Still thinking they’ll get rich by working hard and following the rules. Who was it said behind every great fortune is a crime? Well, his newest money-making scheme is doing tax returns. He was stunned when I explained to him that the real money comes from buying the returns, not filling them out. Store-bought.

           Music class has evolved into a very enjoyable, if exclusive, social meeting. Today was reviewing assigned homework and it is time to get these people on stage. To put things in perspective, all five students have had less than a total of 15 hours instruction, none of which were private lessons. The result is breath-taking and we’ve had people listening in offer their disbelief despite six of us saying it is so.
           In every class, other talents emerge. In this case, our disk jockey turns out to be both a good singer and in possession of a powerful voice. He can drown me out. That means he can front a band soon, but don’t mention to these singers that it is rare they are able to sing softly. It is usually all or nothing for such vocalists. Next week we are planning to tape the show, it is about an hour long. The following week, Halloween, is time to get the class over to Jimbos for their debut. I don’t know, how was your Saturday so far?
           Speaking of taping the show, it seems another of the students is a photographer. I usually give out a non-editable copy of the recording. This may be a chance produce something a little fancier. This is my first all-adult class in two years and of course I think they should have the graduating ceremony playing to a live audience. You see, until they do, it will be impossible to convince them how ready they are.
           After full days like this, I look forward to quiet relaxation. That took the form of bingo tonight. The powerball is up to nearly $100, not bad for a small crowd. They want to split it into two smaller amounts, but I feel that defeats the purpose of powerball. That purpose being to let it build up to ridiculous proportions and pack the room two layers past the rafters. I’ve never underestimated the value of greed.

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