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Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31, 2009

           Here’s the lovely Jill, whom I dated in the ‘90s. This was a night at the opera, notice the cold weather gear. She doesn’t know it even today, but she was almost the one. (She had two kids and I was not ready for that.) This was downtown somewhere on the west coast about this time of year. She is cropped out of a group photo here. Jill was extremely popular among my circle of friends and has the distinction of being the only non-musical gal I chummed with in something like ten years.
           She was the lady in the famous “cell phone” incident. I was talking to her as I drove over and knocked on the door. Her mother, whom I’d never met and who had never seen a cell phone, answered. She immediately barred the door and would not let me in. Later, it turns out mom was frantically waving behind the door, “Jill, get off the damn phone. There’s a man outside and he’s driving a Cadillac!”
           Work, music, bingo and band. That has become my basic Saturday, my plans to take that day off are out the jalousie windows, although I did get away with the plan for several years. I was in the shop long enough to discover I have to completely redo all my computers. As with all Windows products, the longer you leave them, the slower your computer appears to function.
           So you’ll know, they’ve returned to the moronic “counterfeit message”. Your computer says you have a pirated version of the operating system, but this time you are not a victim. Instead it says that you have “failed to resolve” the issue. Sure, Microsoft, okay. If you must know, it is an ActiveX script and it can be disabled using that module.
           The guitar class was fast, since I put them through the mechanically simple methods of playing barre chords, hereinafter called “bar chords”. We also viewed the DVD of the “Hialeah Five” and worked on some country riffs. Next week is the big rehearsal, then the act goes live. I’m disappointed that no natural lead player emerged from the group.
           On the topic of lead, the Hippie called to say he is no longer performing at The Bakery. He didn’t say but chances are they cheaped out on him. You quote them your lowest price and a month later they want you to put on a show for $5 less. He indicated he is still on Harrison (Street) so maybe we’ll jam yet. As for my act, this month has been financially the most successful ever and I didn’t play as often as I could have.
           This evening more people showed up for Bingo than the Halloween party. We had both bases covered, I played for two hours after the game. One person won four of the ten rounds. Pirate Bay provided the backing music for which many compliments came around. From my point of view, I am seriously out of practice. So drink up, I’ll sound better.
           Trivia of the day. A story I followed was the original “palimony” trial, the lady who shacked up with the actor Lee Marvin and then sued him for alimony when he dumped her. This is the type of law suit I think of when people talk tort reform. I found her claim meritless, and in fact, set a bad precedent that the courts would even entertain such nonsense. For crying out loud, she was shacked up and only suing because he had money.
           I’m with the side that keeps the courts out of people’s bedrooms. Well, she finally died without ever getting the $104,000 award. For the curious, her name was Michelle Triola. And when she croaked, she was shacked up with yet another actor. Dick Van Dyke. Once a shack up, always a shack up. Some people never learn.
           This may sound harsh, but these women bring it upon themselves. It is not a gender issue, since rational people can agree getting shacked up with the Queen does not make a man the Prince of Wales. Even the dumbest woman can understand the decision to live together involves a different criteria than the man uses to select a bride. Besides, right or wrong, the last thing society needs is a legal system that favors the methods most women must use to wind up with the creeps they get.
           Have you heard the newest theory? Two years ago, it was the Chinese year of the bird, and we had the avian flue. Last year, the Chinese year of the horse, look at what happened to the horses in Australia. This is the Chinese year of the pig, and sure enough, there’s a swine flu epidemic. What is going on, you tell me? I passed up on the hospital’s offer for a vaccine shot last month. Then I find out 2010 is the year of the cock.

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