Here is a grill press. It looks like one of those old irons they used to heat up on stoves. In fact, I think that is what this might really be. It weighs about ten pounds. For those who cannot prevent our bacon from curling in the fry pan, here is the $20 solution. It has a folding wire handle you might be able to just perceive. The sticker warns it is not “dishwasher safe”. Yes, it is solid iron, perfect for hiking (duh); just don’t ask me who would go camping with a dishwasher.
I wrote to Satori to find out what aspect of Yoikers! is to be patented. Copyright I understand. The new law is surprisingly easy to follow, provided you recall the differences between trademarks, patents and copyrights. Anyrate, copyright is today’s triva: you cannot copyright the name you gave a star, your last Elvis sighting, or your grandfather’s diary.
However, if you write a book naming stars, you can protect that. Or, that blurry, out-of-focus photo of The King outside your favorite Laundromat is fair game. But oddly, you can’t copyright the diary unless you have a will or legal proof it is yours. Makes sense, that you can’t copyright somebody else’s work. What’s more, the copyright is a registration process, not a search for exclusivity. That means if you copyright something that is already copyrighted, they’ll take your money but don’t have to say anything. Your money is $50 by mail or $35 on-line, and you have to send them a copy of what you are registering. I can do that.
Satori has some criteria to follow, such as “solvability time”. It should be minimum 7 minutes. I had planned for the Yoikers! to be solved during a coffee break. Marketing says no, it is better for the advertisers the longer the solver will “retain” the paper, plus the increased chances of the paper being passed on. Remarkable, the thought process of salestypes.
That reminds me of the chat I had with MetroPCS today. They charge me for call block, except it is not really call block. Liars always have trouble grasping such fine points. It lacks the *67 feature, a call block standard, and it turns out they don’t block, they only scramble. I was in there because the insurance companies I called for quotes last month have been “returning” my calls. It seems MetroPCS sold them a descrambler.
That company, you know, only hires semi-retarded dropouts. The specimen I had today said my complaint was invalid because he (personally) had not told me it was real call block. I didn’t follow up on that since he was a greasy little slime-wart and I figured he already had enough problems in life. But he wanted to know the name of the person who told me it was call block. I pointed out if he didn’t know who it was, how was I supposed to? He didn’t get that, nor the real point I was making.
He did try the old angle about how was he supposed to help me if I didn’t help him. That is nonsense, since it is his job to help me. That boy, and anyone else who works for MetroPCS is in need of some severe career counseling. As soon as some Chinese company offers cell service, I’m bailing on MetroPCS. The Chinese company won’t be any better, but at least they can be forgiven.
Want to know who else is ignorant beyond belief? Adobe and Java, both. These callous outfits issue so many bloody updates that it must cost businesses millions. You try to download a document but instead, you get a popup that yet another update is required. Updates my eye, there has been no perceptible improvement in their products since day one. It shows their disregard for the value of people’s time. These morons must have entire departments that sit around all day doing nothing but generating more useless updates.
Speaking of insufferable companies, how many of you know how to view the words in your Microsoft Word “add to” dictionary? And how is something made out of solid iron not "dishwasher safe".
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