Here’s a temporary photo to show water [nearly] up to my hub caps.
If this does not let up, there will be no Xmas party today. It has now rained fourteen hours without letup, although it is finally getting thinner. They vacated most of the casino lot, directing traffic through the back gate. A few dumbos in high-axle trucks tried to run the west road. The middle is always deeper than they think. I’ll go out later to see if they are still there. I canceled my Friday appointments except the party, as there is still hope.
Theresa says he runs it out of a condo on the beach. We all know what has happened to those properties recently. One thing that surprised me is how this recession hits market segments in batches, but condos are always among the first to go. Then car lots, then around a year ago all the dollar stores went belly up at the same time. (Except the two who own their property.) I always thought the economy would sag as a unit. Now I know it is not quite as interrelated as I thought before.
[Author's note 2015-12-18: It turns out if Theresa knows him, he does not know Theresa. This is about the time I began to suspect almost nobody knows Theresa. Nor was she doing any work on this project. I attributed that to her being in Wilmington. But I realize now if she'd been motivated, there was plenty she could have done. In the end, I lost around 60 hours of my time, gained a lot of useless aggravation, and did not even get a good-bye kiss.]
On deflation. I am suspicious of the media who say falling prices spell doom. Actually, y’day I was suspicious, now I want to see it in action. Those stupid tables they made you memorize in school never allowed for inflation. Sure, the numbers went up, along with “income” but not the purchasing power. It is all numbers, so what if those numbers get smaller? I say it would be a good thing.
I also have a vested interest. I’ve read many times how inflation “wiped out” the middle class in pre-war Germany. Those on fixed incomes lost everything. Well, does not the reverse logic hold true? Will not deflation benefit those on a fixed income? Will they not see their dollars gain in value and be able to purchase more? Where inflation gave the edge to those who bought on credit, will deflation benefit those with hard cash? I’d like to see that, even temporarily, say for five or ten years. That will be enough to clean up the act of those bragging dorks we’ve endured half our lives.
Later. The weather decided to clear and that led to one of the most resoundingly successful Christmas parties of all time, here or anywhere (within context). Wish I’d had the video along, or at least the audio which I could really have used. The night was proof that no juke box or Karaoke show (as we know them) will ever replace live performances. The place was rocking to the rafters and I might add the tip jar was also at the brim. Santa came along and the gals were dressed as elves. Oh, were some of them dressed. I say again, by local standards, this was a top-rung party, very few could be better no matter what the budget or situation.
Top tune of the evening: Gretchen Wilson’s “Red Neck Woman”. I can play it, but I cannot sing it. The key is F.
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