Thanks to Samsung, I missed an important call and was 15 minutes late for work. I do not mind “features” as long as there is a way to disable them. Features like Ford’s child safety locks and MicroSoft’s accessibility. The new cell phone has a “silent mode” that cannot be found in the menu. Just great, Samsung, a phone that doesn’t ring. Now Reggie Roughshave, the Fond Du Lac faggot with his dime-store MBA has something else to fiddle with between telemarketing calls. You morons, if you don’t want your phone to ring, turn the damn thing off.
It turns out the silent mode is activated by an exposed button, so it can activate itself pretty much whenever. Way to go, Samsung. I had to take the phone in to discover “all you have to do is hold the pound key”, like that is some natural motion. If you like the people who design cell phones, allow me to inform you that 38% of them are made in China, and all Chinese cell phones can be programmed remotely to transmit when you think they are turned off. (The only way to truly deactivate a Chinese-made cell phone is to remove the battery.)
Another evil quirk of the Samsung is that it requires an expensive holder to operate properly. I kept my Nokia without one, but the Samsung constantly turns itself on, draining the battery. No, I don’t want a holster. When you fasten your seatbelt, tie your shoes, or simply reach for some change, you can hear the Samsung registering keypresses inside your pocket.
Time to take a day off and reorganize this joint. As time goes by, accumulation means I start putting stuff all over the place and pretty soon I can’t find things. Like my small drill bits. I had a full set of expensive tiny ones that are not where I thought. Don’t you hate it when that happens?
Jackie from Jimbos has a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots a half-size too small for either of us. Nice ones, custom made. I’ll take them in tomorrow to see if they can be stretched but I doubt it. He gave me a couple pair of new jeans for work, since what I’ve been using is getting a little threadbare. Except on stage, I haven’t worn jeans in something like six years, I learned to prefer slacks for working in an office most of my career.
Theresa has called, I still have a little difficulty allowing for how isolated she is. Even checking her email is inconvenient and costs money. How does she survive without transportation? Then, I have no problem riding a bicycle five miles after dark, and I’m considering a scooter for those slightly longer trips. (A little 50-cc jobbie that in Florida does not have to be licensed or insured.) Theresa asked about storage, which I know she needs badly, but there is just no room for much here.