Colin, my inventor buddy from the west coast, I wonder how things worked out for him. I haven’t talked to him in over ten years. He’s the guy that invented the “Speedi-Bleed” brake system that tapped air off the front tire, allowing one man to bleed the brakes. I helped him a few times with assembly and his product was a tangle of tubes, fittings and plates. Take a look at the product in today’s photo.
Skip this stretch if you are having breakfast. News about the cat. No way was I paying $185 for a vet to tell me Pudding has a urinary tract infection. Many sites advised feeding her ACV, which is “Apple Cider Vinegar”. This homespun remedy, if you diagnose correctly, has an almost instant good effect. Within twenty minutes, the cat is able to perform elimination. Just stand back. Good luck making the cat take it, I suggest you use a syringe, a half-tablespoon at a time. Um, maybe stand back even a little more. Wheeeeee-yew!
My least favorite condo makes the headlines again. The true name of the building is “Hollywood Station”, and it was not that long ago the units were selling for $690,000. Not no more. The upholstery shop next door reports an acquaintance just picked one of the units up for $70,000. The talk that this recession is over is bogus. What do you mean, prices are falling slower than before? They are still falling. Is that like Reagan claiming he cut the fed budget when all he did was slow it down?
Here is something from the lab. During the continual search for a way to activate cable modems (you know how I love Comcast since they stole my bicycle) we may have stumbled onto a peculiarity. While I would never do anything illegal, it seems that deactivated modems from other parts of the state sometimes, and I stress sometimes, seem to work fine here. I suspect that when an account in, say Tampa, is closed, the cable company deactivates the MAC address for that modem in Tampa, but not necessarily throughout the entire company.
Next, is this good news or bad news? The official results of my November operation are in, and I do not have five stents. Bad communication at the hospital level, I suppose. I received two new stents. But they were to replace two of my earlier stents which had collapsed (turns out they narrowed, but didn't collapse, so replacement was a precaution. I doubly apologize to anyone who just arrived, but a large premise of this blog [when I talk medical] is to alert others of things that I experienced.
I will be scheduled next month to get the remaining stent replaced. Thus tipping me off that these stents are not, as I hoped, a cure and in fact are not even a practical control if they must be replaced so often. Meanwhile, my blood pressure readings are as low as an athlete’s. Same thing happened when Robyn and I were together, but that is nothing but pure fluke and happenstance.
The shoe place was furious that I was absent y’day. That means I will now mark on the wall my days at the clinic or hospital. Can’t have people forgetting the days I’ll be gone. Actually, I over-worded the matter, everything was fine most of today. I learned how to replace a shoe part that normally would throw me. It’s a type of sandal with a round sole, as in old hippy style but with expensive and special manufacture. So I learned something new today. And you?
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