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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

           A photo of Hollywood Station, an apt name for something across the road from the railway tracks. Then, it was the town that came along later, so nobody is blaming FEC (Florida East Coast, the railroad company). The apartments away from the street have views of the parking lot only. From undisclosed prices in the stratosphere, the smaller units are now moving at around $77,000. Why, if wasn’t for that train at 5:30 every morning, I’d take a look myself.
           All is in preparation for my short hospital stay tomorrow. Times are lean and this is the first occasion where I go in without any insurance or meaningful assets to divide up in the event of my demise. This is quite a drop from just six years ago when I had every insurance except wage loss, but it is almost a given that people who got ahead on their own will always come bouncing back. Let's hope that holds true in my case.

           [Author's note 2016-02-22: this was a short but very significant post. The reason I did not carry wage-loss insurance is simply because I had never lost any wages. Never having been ill a day in my live, and I mean hospital-ill, from any disease or medical, I had never been in the habit of carrying that insurance. If I had, I'd be basically a rich man today. Free money coupled with my business sense and the world would today know my name. Don't make the same mistake.]

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